來源/翻譯: 邁克爾傑克遜-音悅Tai飯團
很早以前蒂姆·伯頓(Tim Burton)就提出拍攝《科學怪狗》的想法。這部3D定格動畫的開發可以追溯到2005年末,但它直到最近才成型。他之後連續導演了《理髮師陶德》、《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》和最新上映的《黑影》。但是《科學怪狗》的延遲引出了一個疑問:是有其他什麼電影想法讓這位“剪刀手”導演一直沒有把它搬上大螢幕?答案顯然是邁克爾·傑克遜。
Tim Burton & Michael Jackson: Director Wanted To Make
A Musical 'House Of Wax' Remake Starring MJ
Tim Burton wanted Michael Jackson to star in a musical
remake of "House of Wax."
Tim Burton is
never one to shy away from the bizarre and unexpected. While he has been able
to push many boundaries, sometimes getting the studio on board is his biggest
favorite one was when I tried to convince the studio to make my idea of a
musical version of 'House Of Wax' with Michael Jackson," Burton tells
Yahoo! UK. "It was many years ago but that's the one that springs to mind.
They did not go for that one at all."
"House of
Wax" was originally released in 1953 as a horror movie (it was a remake of
1933's "Mystery of the Wax Museum"). The film centers around a Madame
Tussauds-esque wax museum and the spooky turn it takes after being set on fire.
It was remade in 2005, starring Elisha Cuthbert, Chad Michael Murray and Paris
Though Jackson
had limited experience as an actor, Burton wasn't the only big-name director
who wanted to make a film with him. Jackson made his screen debut in the 1978
film Sidney Lumet film "The Wiz," playing The Scarecrow. He also
starred in the short film "Captain EO" for director Francis Ford
Coppola. In 2002, director Barry Sonnenfeld hired Jackson to cameo as Agent M
in "Men In Black II." Even Martin Scorsese got into the Jackson
business: He directed the video for "Bad," which is celebrating its
25th anniversary this year with a new documentary from director Spike Lee.
提姆•波頓(英語:Tim Burton,1958年8月25日-),是美國電影導演,生於加州的伯班克。
這個鬼才式的人物由於擁有封閉、孤獨的童年生活而習慣沉浸在自己的小世界裡,只用繪畫表達生活和對世界的看法。直到他在加州藝術學院學習時因創作芹菜怪物的莖得到了迪士尼的獎學金,這是用來贊助給年輕動畫人以幫助他們成就夢想的基金。由此他開始正式成為迪士尼的動畫師,之後成為導演。提姆•波頓熱衷描繪錯位,善於運用象徵和隱喻的手法,常以黑色幽默,獨特的視角而著稱。 波頓因大量的「重複合作者」而著名。他的「御用合作人」包括從第一次合作至今一直是波頓密友的強尼•戴普、為波頓大部分影片配樂的丹尼•艾爾夫曼、以及他的伴侶海倫娜•寶漢•卡特。波頓還在1997年出版了詩集《沉默男孩的憂鬱之死等故事》、在2009年出版了他的畫作合集《提姆波頓的畫》。截止至2012年,提姆波頓共導演了16部電影,製作了12部電影。最近的包括於2012年5月10日上映的由肥皂劇改編的《黑影家族》,以及基於他1984年拍攝的短片《科學怪狗》的重拍作品,將在2012年10月5日上映。