

Michael 92年為無辜受害的兒童支付喪葬費用

中文來源 /  編譯:Badthriller    

Michael with the Sanchez Family in May, 1992

 1992年,9歲的雷蒙桑切斯(Ramon Sanchez )在洛杉磯的沃茨地區遇害。
當時,這個在喝牛奶的孩子被一顆從飛車中射出的子彈奪去了生命。當地的報紙報導了這起慘劇,其中提到孩子的雙親掏不出錢給孩子下葬。就在他們捉襟見肘的時候,流行音樂之王邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson)伸出了援手。

據地方檢察官瑪麗薩頓(Mary Sutton)所述,當傑克遜從報紙上讀到桑切斯的家人無力出錢為兒子辦喪葬時,他主動支付了從太平間、葬禮到墓碑的全部費用。




in 1992, Michael paid for the funeral of a young boy, Ramone Sanchez

This is not the first time Michael paid for the funerals of children or friends whose families were not able to pay for proper burials themselves. I’ve shared many other stories here of Michael’s compassion and kindness. For instance, he paid for David Ruffin’s funeral in 1991. Ruffin was the lead singer for the Temptations. In the case of little Craig Fleming, the child whose mother threw him off of a bridge, Michael provided a contribution towards his surviving brother’s medical care and provided a special trust for his care. Michael later dedicated a song on this HIStory album to Craig Fleming which reads: “Childhood is dedicated to little Craig Fleming and his surviving brother, Michael, for whom a scholarship fund has been established to ensure that his childhood ushers in a future of all possibilities. -Love, MJ”.

Touched by the random killing of 9-year old Ramone Sanchez in a drive-by shooting in the Watts community in Los Angeles , Michael voluntarily paid for the entire funeral costs for the boy’s family. According to Mary Sutton of the DA’s office in Los Angeles at the time, Michael’s payment included mortuary costs, funeral costs, and a headstone.

The boy was fatally wounded when a stray bullet from a drive-by shooting pierced the kitchen window of his family’s apartment striking the boy in the head as he drank a glass of milk. The incident occurred one the evening of May 6th, 1992. Michael was moved to help the family upon reading of Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez’s efforts to raise money for their son’s burial.  The DA’s office was contacted and made the arrangements. When the family expressed a desire to thank Michael in person, the DA’s office made arrangements to bring the family see Michael at the Culver City studios where Michael was filming a Pepsi commercial.

The Sanchez family warmly thanked Michael. Through an interpreter, the boy’s parents told Michael:
Ramone was one of your biggest fans. You have helped make a very tragic time for us more bearable. Your involvement was a very pleasant surprise and we are eternally grateful.

DA Sutton said of Michael:
This is the first time I’ve ever had anyone contact me totally unsolicited. The man has a special quality about him and I hope his actions inspires others to do the same.

