

MJ和Barry Gibb 2002年錄製歌曲《ALL IN YOUR NAME》

來源 / 編譯:Keen

2011年5月24日 - 歌迷最期待的東西出現了!!今天,傳奇組合Bee Gees的巨星主唱Barry Gibb在官方網站上放出他和Michael Jackson在錄音室錄製新歌的片段!!

這首神秘的新歌名為《一切因你之名》(All In Your Name),是2002年12月,Barry和Michael在中耳錄音室(Middle Ear Studios)錄製的。Barry和Michael的工作錄影,由巴里的兒子Ashley Gibb用High 8攝像機拍攝,錄影片段總長超過兩小時。
Barry Gibb今天獨家放出了33秒的片段。預計在這首歌正式發行後,更多的視頻將會發佈。這個視頻讓歌迷罕有地一瞥兩大傳奇巨星在一起合作的珍貴瞬間。

Barry Gibb在官方網站上寫道:“Michael Jackson和我是最親密的朋友,就是這麼簡單。我們為同一種音樂傾倒,我們喜歡一起合作,他是最令我輕鬆的合創人。我們越瞭解對方,我們的想法就越交織在一起,最後就變成了這首歌,《一切因你之名》。

Michael想要向他全球各地歌迷傳遞的訊息,他完全是為他們而作,是為他對音樂的純粹熱愛而作。我希望並祈禱我們都能聽到它的完整版。這個經歷我將永遠珍惜。”Short footage of Michael in studio with Barry Gibb is available from Barry's official website and youtube.

"Michael Jackson and I were the dearest of friends, thats simply what it was. We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with. The more we got to know each other the more those ideas entwined and it all came to this song "All in Your Name".

"All in Your Name" is in fact the message that Michael wanted to send out to all of his fans all over the World that he did it all for them and for the pure love of music. I hope and pray that we all get to hear it in its entirety. This experience I will treasure forever."

Recorded and filmed at Middle Ear Studios in December 2002. All footage was shot by Ashley Gibb on a High 8 camera. There is over 2 hours of footage.

MJ和BEE GEES主唱Barry Gibb於2002年錄製新歌《ALL IN YOUR NAME》,這是官方放出的第三段工作的視頻!讓人一瞥兩大傳奇的工作狀態,還有……MJ的微笑!!美得心碎。

