

Together we can "BEAT IT"!

來源  作者:Sara Lee


下面這個 'get well soon' (祝早日康復)的短信,是MJ 1986年時寫給一個名叫Albert 的朋友的,當時這個朋友正在生病中。


Dear Albert,
得知你最近身體不適,對此我很難過。知道這段時間對你來說一定很艱難。每次我生病的時候,總希望能收到別人寫來的表示慰問的短信。希望你很快就會好起來。(我知道)要一直都表現得那麼堅強有時會很難,但我相信如果你不放棄,讓我們攜起手來,就一定可以戰勝它(Together we can "BEAT IT")!

I love you,


Michael Jackson

I'm suffering miserably from a bout of man-flu at the moment. As a tribute to its seemingly monstrous grip - and due in no small part to the fact that very little research is required when writing the introduction - I bring you a brief but endearing 'get well soon' letter, written by Michael Jackson in 1986 to a friend named Albert who at the time was in ill-health.

Notable if only for the perfect letterhead.

Transcript follows. Image courtesy of RR Auctions.
3 October 1986

Dear Albert,

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I know this must be a very difficult time for you. Whenever I am sick, I like to get a note from someone who cares. I hope you start feeling better soon. Sometimes it is hard to be strong, but I know that if you hang in there, together we can "BEAT IT"!

I love you,


Michael Jackson

