來源:mjjcn.com 作者:Sara Lee
1984年2月,MJ在醫院治療因拍攝事故導致的燒傷期間,決定去探望當時也在這家醫院治療的另外八個燒傷病人。這張照片是當Michael 去看望Keith Perry 時拍的。Perry 是個23歲的技工,他當時屬於全身性的三度燒傷。Michael 來時,Perry 剛做完了他的第14次手術,當時他簡直不敢相信 MJ真的來看他了。Perry 的一個親戚後來說,在MJ 來過後,Perry 不再像以前那麼抑鬱了,情緒穩定了許多,這對他日後的康復很有幫助。另外一個病人當時則很好奇地問MJ:為什麼還帶著手套?他解釋說:“ 這樣的話,我就會覺得自己好像從來沒有遠離過舞臺”。一天后,醫生同意Michael 出院,但出院後他還必須在診所裏繼續接受治療。

後來,MJ將百事可樂為事故賠償的150萬美金捐給了Brotman 燒傷中心。院方用這筆錢添置了一些很先進的用於燒傷治療的醫療設備。為此,這家醫院的燒傷科還改名為 " Michael Jackson 燒傷中心 " ,以示對MJ的慷慨捐贈的感謝。
February 1984- Michael Jackson while recovering from his own burn injury (from Pepsi Incident), decided to make a rounds, visiting other 8 burn patients at the Brotman Medical Center . In photo: Michael visit Keith Perry, a 23 year old mechanic who suffer third degree burns on 95 percent of his body. Perry had just undergone his 14th operation when Michael arrived. Perry could not believe that he had actually been visited by Michael Jackson. According to Perry’s relative after Michael visited him, Perry is no longer depress and and doing a lot better.
Another patient wanted to know why Jackson wore the glove. “This way,” he explained, “I am never offstage.” With the consent of his doctor, Michael decided after less than a day to check out of the hospital and continue treatment as an outpatient. Michael Jackson donated the $1.5 million settlement from Pepsi to Brotman Burn Center . Using the money donated by Jackson , Brotman was able to get the best available technology for treating burn victims. The burn ward at the hospital was later named the “ Michael Jackson Burn Center ” to honor Jackson and his generous contribution.