I was reading a Finnish magazine when I came across with a nice article about Michael. It is in finnish, so I need to translate it so please forgive me my mistakes and ask if there's something to clarify.
Michael Jackson appreciated his Finnish pilot's honesty
一個芬蘭的機長Pekka Karu在千囍年左右成為了MJ飛機上的機長。他在聖塔芭芭拉接了MJ上機要飛往邁阿密,在起飛後25分鐘MJ出乎意料的出現在機長室 ,這是這個機長第一次見到Michael Jackson本人。
A Finnish pilot, Pekka Karu became Michael Jackson's pilot around the millennium. Karu picked up Jackson from Santa Barbara and was taking him to Miami when after 25 minutes of flying Jackson surprisingly entered the cabin. That was the first time the pilot met Michael Jackson in person.
"He told me he was scared of flying ja asked what kind of weather was due to expect during the flight. I told him there's a storm coming in Midwest and there's always turbulence above the Gulf of Mexico ."
Michael在機長告訴他 私人飛機比一般航班還更飛高 三千公尺 後冷靜了下來 ,因為他們可以選擇飛在風暴之上 或是避開風暴。
Michael calmed down when the pilot told him private jets are normally flying 3 kilometers higher than normal passenger aircrafts, so therefore they can either fly above the storm or get around them.
"Michael wanted to know what part of the day is the best part to fly and I answered either at night or early in the morning because storms are
developing at afternoons. Next he wanted to know if we can fly somewhere else and I said 'sure, you are the one who pays the bill.'"
Jackson 問了機長好幾次,他可以飛哪些地方
Jackson asked a couple of times where the pilot would like to fly.
他不能做決定。所以我跟他說拉斯維加斯永遠是個造訪的好地方, 所以他請我飛到那裡,我做了新的安排 ,然後在賭城降落。
"He couldn't decide, so I told him Las Vegas is always a nice place to visit so he asked me to fly there. I made new arrangements and landed to Las Vegas ."
Jackson 待在賭城大約兩天 ,才繼續前往邁阿密。
Jackson stayed in Las Vegas almost two days before continuing his trip to Miami . 之後
Jackson 總是希望芬蘭機長(因為他發不出他的名字)成為他飛機的駕駛員。
Afterwards Jackson always wanted the "Finnish pilot who's name he can't pronounce" to be the pilot on his flights.
我想大概是第三還第四次我問他為什麼總要我來開飛機 ,因為還有很多很好的飛行員可以選擇。麥可說他對我印象深刻 ,因為我是第一個對於天氣對他講實話人飛行員, 我謝謝他對我的讚美。
"I think it was the 3rd or 4th flight when I asked him why he always wanted to have me, even though there's plenty of good pilots to choose from. Michael said he was impressed because I was the first pilot to tell the truth about the weather. I thanked him for the compliment
."Michael在飛行途中常常造訪機長室,問問天氣 或是只是打發時間 。其他時間他就是跟他小孩子們一起玩或是跟他的助理交涉。
Karu tells Michael visited the cabin many times during the flights, mostly asking about the weather or just to spend time, otherwise he was playing with his children or negotiating with his assistants.
"He always had an entourage with him."
Pilot can't remember and doesn't even know all the requests Jackson had for his flights.
我們總保有一個完整的顧客需求清單 但是那是空服員的工作
"We always have a very exact profiles for our passengers, but it's flight attendants job to take care of."
當時的空服員是機長的女朋友Lauren Wallace (文章連這都要交代喔XD)
Flight attendant on Karu's flights was his girlfriend at the time, Lauren Wallace.
2003年麥可從賭城飛往聖塔芭芭拉面對官司指控時,做的就是Karu (機長)駕駛的飛機。之後發現有兩個相機被安裝在飛機內以準備兜售給媒體。
It was also Karu's flight in 2003 when Jackson travelled from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara to face the charges. Afterwards it became public that two mechanics had placed cameras inside the plane in urge to sell the tapes to the media.
那些裝相機的人都進監獄去了 。
"Those guys went to jail."
According to the DA Jackson had molested children on that same flight, so the DA also contacted Karu.
我已經兩次拒絕了做證指控 Michael 。 而後來屎奶蹲 (Tom Sneddon) 親自打電話給我威脅我去作證,我還是拒絕了。我沒有任何對於Michael 不好的話要說。史奶蹲把電話給掛了 (史奶蹲是土匪喔 還威脅勒)。
"I had already refused twice to testify against Michael when Tom Sneddon himself called me and threatened me to testify. I still refused because I didn't have anything bad to say about Jackson . Sneddon hung up the phone."
如果Karu作證的話 這將是他作為名人機長事業的終結 (我怎麼覺得寫報導的人話中有話)
If Karu would have testified it could had been the end of his career as a celebrity pilot.
沒有人會記得我說過了什麼 他們只會記得我爆了什麼料
"No one would have remembered what I would have said. They would only have remembered me telling something."
機長說 Jackson是個很酷的人 ,很友善和有禮貌 ,很容易獲得人們的尊敬。
Pilot tells Jackson was a "cool guy", friendly and polite, who was easy to respect.
很多時候人們問起我他的個性 ,我總是說不管你們對他怎麼想 ,如果你花了三分鐘跟他相處,你們就會把對他的看法轉變成更為正面的。
"Many times people have asked me about his personality and I have always said no matter what they think of him spending 3 minutes with him would already change their views about him into more positive."
最後一次Karu載送麥可是在一年前 ,Karu在早晨載麥可去賭城 ,晚上再回到LA。
The last flight with Jackson was a year ago when Karu took him to Las Vegas in the morning and back to Los Angeles later that evening.
來回的旅程他都坐在機長旁 ,那個位置本來是要留給空服員的。 他坐在旁邊問我最近怎樣,因為我們有兩年沒見過面了 ,他還告訴我他在巴林的生活 ,還有他對氣候改變的擔心,Michael想知道我做飛行員25年是否有感受到什麼改變。
"Both flights he sat between the pilots, on a seat that is meant for the flight attendant and asked how I was doing because we had not seen for two years. In response he told me about his time in Bahrain and how he was worried about the climate change. Michael wondered if I had seen any changes during my 25 years career as a pilot."
I was reading a Finnish magazine when I came across with a nice article about Michael. It is in finnish, so I need to translate it so please forgive me my mistakes and ask if there's something to clarify.
Michael Jackson appreciated his Finnish pilot's honesty

Michael Jackson at the Miami Airport !!!!
A Finnish pilot, Pekka Karu became Michael Jackson's pilot around the millennium. Karu picked up Jackson from Santa Barbara and was taking him to Miami when after 25 minutes of flying Jackson surprisingly entered the cabin. That was the first time the pilot met Michael Jackson in person.
"He told me he was scared of flying ja asked what kind of weather was due to expect during the flight. I told him there's a storm coming in Midwest and there's always turbulence above the Gulf of Mexico ."
Michael在機長告訴他 私人飛機比一般航班還更飛高 三千公尺 後冷靜了下來 ,因為他們可以選擇飛在風暴之上 或是避開風暴。
Michael calmed down when the pilot told him private jets are normally flying 3 kilometers higher than normal passenger aircrafts, so therefore they can either fly above the storm or get around them.
"Michael wanted to know what part of the day is the best part to fly and I answered either at night or early in the morning because storms are
developing at afternoons. Next he wanted to know if we can fly somewhere else and I said 'sure, you are the one who pays the bill.'"
Jackson 問了機長好幾次,他可以飛哪些地方
Jackson asked a couple of times where the pilot would like to fly.
他不能做決定。所以我跟他說拉斯維加斯永遠是個造訪的好地方, 所以他請我飛到那裡,我做了新的安排 ,然後在賭城降落。
"He couldn't decide, so I told him Las Vegas is always a nice place to visit so he asked me to fly there. I made new arrangements and landed to Las Vegas ."
Jackson 待在賭城大約兩天 ,才繼續前往邁阿密。
Jackson stayed in Las Vegas almost two days before continuing his trip to Miami . 之後
Jackson 總是希望芬蘭機長(因為他發不出他的名字)成為他飛機的駕駛員。
Afterwards Jackson always wanted the "Finnish pilot who's name he can't pronounce" to be the pilot on his flights.
我想大概是第三還第四次我問他為什麼總要我來開飛機 ,因為還有很多很好的飛行員可以選擇。麥可說他對我印象深刻 ,因為我是第一個對於天氣對他講實話人飛行員, 我謝謝他對我的讚美。
"I think it was the 3rd or 4th flight when I asked him why he always wanted to have me, even though there's plenty of good pilots to choose from. Michael said he was impressed because I was the first pilot to tell the truth about the weather. I thanked him for the compliment
."Michael在飛行途中常常造訪機長室,問問天氣 或是只是打發時間 。其他時間他就是跟他小孩子們一起玩或是跟他的助理交涉。
Karu tells Michael visited the cabin many times during the flights, mostly asking about the weather or just to spend time, otherwise he was playing with his children or negotiating with his assistants.
"He always had an entourage with him."
Pilot can't remember and doesn't even know all the requests Jackson had for his flights.
我們總保有一個完整的顧客需求清單 但是那是空服員的工作
"We always have a very exact profiles for our passengers, but it's flight attendants job to take care of."
當時的空服員是機長的女朋友Lauren Wallace (文章連這都要交代喔XD)
Flight attendant on Karu's flights was his girlfriend at the time, Lauren Wallace.
2003年麥可從賭城飛往聖塔芭芭拉面對官司指控時,做的就是Karu (機長)駕駛的飛機。之後發現有兩個相機被安裝在飛機內以準備兜售給媒體。
It was also Karu's flight in 2003 when Jackson travelled from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara to face the charges. Afterwards it became public that two mechanics had placed cameras inside the plane in urge to sell the tapes to the media.
那些裝相機的人都進監獄去了 。
"Those guys went to jail."
According to the DA Jackson had molested children on that same flight, so the DA also contacted Karu.
我已經兩次拒絕了做證指控 Michael 。 而後來屎奶蹲 (Tom Sneddon) 親自打電話給我威脅我去作證,我還是拒絕了。我沒有任何對於Michael 不好的話要說。史奶蹲把電話給掛了 (史奶蹲是土匪喔 還威脅勒)。
"I had already refused twice to testify against Michael when Tom Sneddon himself called me and threatened me to testify. I still refused because I didn't have anything bad to say about Jackson . Sneddon hung up the phone."
如果Karu作證的話 這將是他作為名人機長事業的終結 (我怎麼覺得寫報導的人話中有話)
If Karu would have testified it could had been the end of his career as a celebrity pilot.
沒有人會記得我說過了什麼 他們只會記得我爆了什麼料
"No one would have remembered what I would have said. They would only have remembered me telling something."
機長說 Jackson是個很酷的人 ,很友善和有禮貌 ,很容易獲得人們的尊敬。
Pilot tells Jackson was a "cool guy", friendly and polite, who was easy to respect.
很多時候人們問起我他的個性 ,我總是說不管你們對他怎麼想 ,如果你花了三分鐘跟他相處,你們就會把對他的看法轉變成更為正面的。
"Many times people have asked me about his personality and I have always said no matter what they think of him spending 3 minutes with him would already change their views about him into more positive."
最後一次Karu載送麥可是在一年前 ,Karu在早晨載麥可去賭城 ,晚上再回到LA。
The last flight with Jackson was a year ago when Karu took him to Las Vegas in the morning and back to Los Angeles later that evening.
來回的旅程他都坐在機長旁 ,那個位置本來是要留給空服員的。 他坐在旁邊問我最近怎樣,因為我們有兩年沒見過面了 ,他還告訴我他在巴林的生活 ,還有他對氣候改變的擔心,Michael想知道我做飛行員25年是否有感受到什麼改變。
"Both flights he sat between the pilots, on a seat that is meant for the flight attendant and asked how I was doing because we had not seen for two years. In response he told me about his time in Bahrain and how he was worried about the climate change. Michael wondered if I had seen any changes during my 25 years career as a pilot."
