


感謝(Bess) Liza Leung為我們 MJ歌迷所做的一切......

1984年 - 列根總統頒了一個人道主義奬給 MJ

中文來源:米高積遜 - 外語樂壇討論 - 香港討論區
作者/中文翻譯: areltd-mj (Bess) Liza Leung

看看我們的 Michael 笑容多可愛及純真!

1984年,  MJ  的歌曲 "Beat It" 大受年青人歡迎, 而當時的美國總統朗奴列根 (Ronald Reagan)  為要拍一束政府宣傳短片, 呼籲市民 "酒後勿駕駛", MJ 應總統的要求, 讓他們用 "Beat It"這首歌作為宣傳片的主題音樂,  列根總統為表揚 MJ 的貢獻, 在白官 (White House) 頒了一個人道主義奬給 MJ.

MJ在到白官接受這奬項前約一星期,某天MJ在紐約市一間酒店(Helmsley Palace Hotel)出席一項活動, 偶然看見升降機操作員 (名叫 Hector Carmona) 所穿著 的制服相當有型及有特色,於是要求這位職員送一件備用制服給他,片段中 MJ 當天到白官會見總統所穿的便是這件酒店職員的制服,你們說好看嗎?Ceremony to launch Drunk Driving campaign and Presidential Humanitarian Award to Michael Jackson

當天MJ 到白官接受奬狀時, 列根總統有以下風趣幽默的開場白, 現稍作翻譯:

Isn't this thriller? 這個就是 Thriller 嗎?

I delighted to see all of you here today, I have not seen so many people since we left China .  Just think you all came to see me?  No, I know why you are here, with good reason, to see one of the most talented, most popular and most exciting superstar, in musical today, MJ很高興今天能在此與你們見面, 自我們到訪中國後, 我便沒有見過這麼多人了, 我在想你們真的想來見我嗎?  不是, 我知你們為何到此, 就是一個原因, 來見一位當今樂壇其中最有才華, 最受歡迎, 最令人振奮的超級巨星, Michael Jackson!

Michael, welcome to the White House, I hope you forgive me but we have quite few young folks in the White House want to give you the same message, they said to tell Michael "pls give some PLCs to the PYTs".  I know this sounds OFF THE WALL, but you know what I mean.
Michael, 歡迎來到白宮, 請你原諒我, 因我受了幾位年青人的委託, 他們要我將同一個訊息帶給你, 他們要求我對你說 : "請給青春的可人兒 (PYT) 多點 溫柔呵護 (PLC) 吧",我這樣說可能有少許荒誕趣怪, 但你應知是什麼意思吧!

(註: TLC = Tender Loving Care;   PTY = Pretty Young Thing, 是 MJ一首歌名叫 "Pretty Young Thing" 內的歌詞)

I have another message from my friends, Washing DC, Michael, they said they (I) WANT YOU BACK.  When you begin across the country tour, pls be sure to start up here in the Nation Capital.  我的另一個訊息要給你, 我居住在華盛頓 DC 的朋友們, 他們說很想你回來, 當你準備的全國巡迴演唱會時, 請務必選擇國家首都做第一站o

(接著片段 2.07, 列根總統講述他如何進行這 "酒後勿駕駛", 及講及 Michael 為年青人豎立榜樣等等...., 因太冗長, 我不便花時間翻譯了, sorry)

最後在片段 5.38,  列根總統將奬狀頒予 Michael, 並讀出奬狀內容, 如下:

May 14 Michael for free lend his hit "Beat it" to aid campaign anti-drugs among kids and youth. Beat It was used in ads, which was show in USA , it was organized by National Campaign Against Teenage Drunk Driving. Ads had on aim to inform young Americans, that drunk driving can kill friendship. Presidential Special Achievement Award (U.S) Presented at the White House by President Ronald Reagan to Michael Jackson in recognition of his contribution to the nation's campaign against drunk driving - Michael's song "Beat It" was run in the ads. The inscription on the plaque reads: "

To Michael Jackson with appreciation for the outstanding example you have set for the youth of America and the world. Your historic record-breaking achievements and your pre-eminence in popular music are a tribute to your creativity, dedication, and great ability. The generous contribution of your time and talent to the National Campaign Against Teenage Drunk Driving will help million or young Americans learn that drinking and driving can kill a friendship."

致 Michael Jackson,表揚你為美國與及全世界的年青人豎立一個傑出的典範,你在流行音樂取得歷史性破紀錄的成績及前所未有的卓越成就,正是肯定你所奉獻出的創造力,盡心盡力的付出及偉大的能力o 為了這個 "全國反青少年酒後駕駛運動", 你慷慨地付出你的時間及才華, 得以幫助了成千上萬的美國年青人,令他們領悟到"酒後駕駛,友誼盡毀

當天電視新聞有以下報導, 你們可看到 Michael 的 fans 多愛Michael, 最攪笑其中在片段中報導人員說 : "我從未見過如此引來這麼多的關注; 這麼多的保安; 及這麼極大的興奮, 大群的fans們從這天早上開始便不停叫喊著 "We want Michael; we want Michael (我們要 Michael)"; 但員警卻對他們說: "Beat it (走開)!"'o  

"酒後勿駕駛" 的電視宣傳片段

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller looks back at Michael Jackson's visit to the White House in 1984.

 This account is adapted from a version that originally appeared on Twitter.
Michael Jackson's visit to the Reagan White House in 1984. "Well, isn't this a thriller," Reagan began his remarks.

So many reporters and White House staff wanted to see Jackson , Reagan said "I haven't seen this many people since we left China ."
Reagan called Jackson : "one of the most talented, most popular, and most exciting super stars in the music world today."

Reagan told Jackson he had a message for him from young folks: "They said to tell Michael, Please give some TLC to the PHYs." (pretty young things)
Reagan also urged Jackson to make Washington part of his next tour. "...we want you back," said Reagan. (like the song title. I got that one.)
Jackson had come to the Reagan White House May 14, 1984, to lend support to the White House program against drunk driving and alcohol and drug abuse.
Reagan said: "Michael, you've made it possible for us to warn millions of young Americans about the dangers of drinking and driving."

Reagan commended Jackson saying he's "proof of what a person can accomplish through a lifestyle free of alcohol or drug abuse."
Reagan said with Jackson 's help, U.S. can face problem of drinking and driving and "beat it." (another title reference I got).
Jackson's only words at that White House event: "I'm very, very honored. Thank you very much, Mr. President and Mrs. Reagan."

