2011年12月5日 - 邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)退出了斯蒂文·史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)1991年的電影《鐵鉤船長》(Hook),未扮演成彼得·潘(Peter Pan)一角,因為史蒂芬史匹柏塑造的角色與傑克遜自己想扮演的角色不相符。
史蒂芬史匹柏告訴《娛樂週刊》(Entertainment Weekly)說,“邁克爾一直想扮演彼得·潘,但我打電話給他說‘這是關於一個律師,回到過去拯救自己的孩子,發現他曾經年輕的時候是彼得·潘。”
這個角色最終由喜劇演員羅賓·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)扮演。

Michael Jackson Was Steven Spielberg's First Choice To Play Peter Pan In 'Hook'
December 4th, 2011
Michael Jackson pulled out of playing Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg's 1991 movie Hook because the director's vision for the film didn't match his own.
Spielberg admits Jackson was keen to take on the lead role in the film but balked at the idea of playing a lawyer who forgot he was the boy who never grew up.
The director tells Entertainment Weekly magazine, "Michael had always wanted to play Peter Pan, but I called Michael and I said, 'This is about a lawyer that is brought back to save his kids and discovers that he was once, when he was younger, Peter Pan.'
"Michael understood at that point it wasn't the same Peter Pan he wanted to make."
The role eventually went to funnyman Robin Williams.

Jackson told David that he had noticed one of his paintings on the wall of director Steven Spielberg's office and wanted him to paint a series for him