來源:MJJCN.COM 編譯:ilmj1314

布魯塞爾提到像弗雷德•阿斯泰爾(Fred Astair)和金吉•羅傑斯(Ginger Rogers)這樣的偉大舞蹈家,談到傑克遜,她說:“當我青少年時,我常常看邁克爾•傑克遜的《顫慄》(Thriller)製作花絮,並試著模仿其中的動作,在臥室裏學習顫慄舞步。這是最難以置信的舞蹈動作。你可以看到在傑克遜編舞的方式中,深受弗雷德•阿斯泰爾的影響。他渴望受到啟發,熱愛每個舞步,每首歌曲。他生來就屬於舞臺。”

2011年12月27日 — 英國著名芭蕾舞演員達西•布魯塞爾(Darcey Bussel)說 邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)是他一直以來最喜歡的舞蹈家之一。

布魯塞爾提到像弗雷德•阿斯泰爾(Fred Astair)和金吉•羅傑斯(Ginger Rogers)這樣的偉大舞蹈家,談到傑克遜,她說:“當我青少年時,我常常看邁克爾•傑克遜的《顫慄》(Thriller)製作花絮,並試著模仿其中的動作,在臥室裏學習顫慄舞步。這是最難以置信的舞蹈動作。你可以看到在傑克遜編舞的方式中,深受弗雷德•阿斯泰爾的影響。他渴望受到啟發,熱愛每個舞步,每首歌曲。他生來就屬於舞臺。”

( 22-12-2011 ) Superstar English ballerina Darcey Bussel says that Michael Jackson is among her all time favorite dance icons.
The former Royal Ballet star is paying tribute to the great dance musicals this Christmas day and, before the special airs on TV, she gave in interview in which she named her personal favorite dance icons. Among greats like Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers, Bussell had this to say about the King of Pop:
"When I was a teenager, I used to watch the Making Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and try to follow the steps and do the Thriller moves in my bedroom. That was the most incredible dance sequence. And actually, you can see that Jackson was hugely inspired by Fred Astaire in the way he choreographed his music videos. He was hungry for inspiration and loved every dance and every song. He was born to be on the stage."