




奧巴馬看Ne-Yo表演邁克爾傑克遜!本週末,美國國家黑人歷史與文化博物館將開張,美國華盛頓特區甘迺迪中心舉辦群星演唱會紀念,美國總體奧巴馬和第一夫人米切爾出席! 歌手Ne-Yo上臺表演了邁克爾傑克遜的經典歌曲向MJ致敬。MJ的演出服飾將在新博物館裡展出,黑人的驕傲!

Events, News
Ne-Yo channels Michael Jackson at the opening of the new National Museum of African American History
September 24, 2016 • By Admin Team

Shirley Caesar at the center of a performance that included Donnie McClurkin, Octavia Spencer and the Howard University Gospel Choir as part of “Taking the Stage: Changing America,” a concert taped at the Kennedy Center to mark the opening of the new National Museum of African American History and Culture.(Photo by ABC/ Fred Watkins)

Michael Jackson, James Brown, Marian Anderson, the Duke and Lena Horne. They weren’t there physically Friday night at the Kennedy Center, but their presence was undeniable during a star-studded concert marking this weekend’s opening of the Museum of African American History and Culture.
If you remember, we talked about this new museum which just opened and which own a Michael Jackson Costume. They have celebrating the opening in music and with a speech

