

6歲被生父燒傷九成皮膚 與米高積遜成摰友 美藝術家戴夫逝世


2018-08-18 21:25

「人的一生會發生很多事,但這些事不是用來定義他們,而是令人變得更堅強」。美國拉斯維加斯藝術家戴夫(Dave Dave)日前傳出死訊,被外媒廣泛報道,證實他上月15日與世長辭,終年42歲。戴夫一生歷盡滄桑,自小父母離異,6歲時險被父親燒死,皮膚超過九成燒傷,從此變成殘障人士,每日與痛苦為伴。
戴夫在復健時認識了已故巨星米高積遜(Michael Jackson),成為他人生轉捩點。二人成了忘年之交,戴夫更形容米高積遜對他來說就像父親。當戴夫發現自己的藝術天賦時,對方不斷支持他去追夢,他才能排除萬難成為一位身殘志堅的知名藝術家。


戴夫早年受訪時,憶起父親查理斯(Charles Rothenberg)在他眼中,本來是「世上最好的父親」,但與母親離婚後卻性情大變。戴夫表示父親當時在紐約一間餐廳工作,儲了1萬美元(約7.8萬港元)帶6歲的他到加州玩,「在路途上,他(父親)計劃殺死我」。




殺子不成的查理斯曾打算輕生,但終究鼓不起勇氣,最後受法律制裁入獄。戴夫19歲時曾到監獄探望父親,「能看着父親的臉並跟他說出心中話,這淨化了我的心靈」,更稱「很多人沒機會去面對傷害自己的人」。戴夫將自己的姓名從「David Rothenberg」改成「Dave Dave」,為的就是與父親斷絕關係。
(Las Vegas Review Journal/每日郵報)

Michael Jackson's 'son' Dave passes away

Michael Jackson and Dave Dave were friends for 30 years.

Dave Dave, 42 who was very close to late King of Pop, Michael Jackson's secretly passed away on July 14 at his home located in Las Vegas, Nevada. A lot of artists speak about struggle and suffering but only very few know the real suffering and Dave Dave, the Las Vegas artist, is one of them. His father was cruel and tried to kill the young soul when he was just 6.

Dave's original name was David Rothenberg but he later changed it to Dave Dave because he didn't want his father's name or criminality around him. After the tragic burning incident, most of Dave's childhood was consumed in healing and skin grafting. Although, a year later he had another life-changing moment, meeting the late King of Pop Michael Jackson.

He didn't remember how he met Michael Jackson, whether it was initiated by his family or because of Jackson's camp, but the relationship hit off from the moment both of them encountered each other.
Dave said, "I wanted to meet him, and he wanted to meet me, and that just turned into a lifelong relationship that never ended, It was amazing being friends with Michael Jackson. He was an amazing person," to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

At the age of 19, Dave started creating art and Michael Jackson was nothing but supportive of him and his ideas. When Michael Jackson saw Dave painting near the lake at King of Pop's home, he said to Dave, "you are the greatest artist in the world."

Michael Jackson and Dave Dave became very close friends, more like father-son. However, the late King of Pop didn't pay for Dave's medical procedures as his mom had insurance which secured every single doctor's visit expense. MJ did offer the kid tremendous passionate help for the following 30 years. Dave Dave even went to Michael Jackson's memorial service and talked about their fellow friendship there.

Michael Jackson was a father to Dave. He befriended Dave when he was just seven years old. "He took me into his life. He opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. And throughout the years he never let me go. Michael was like a father to me," said Dave is his official blog.

Dave further said, "He was a great person. He never hurt a soul and I'm happy to have been his friend all these years. Michael offered a lot of emotional support for me. Michael was there for me whenever I needed to talk to him. He opened up Neverland to me as a means to get away. Metaphorically he was always like a father that I never had."

