In 1997- Michael once again come to (South) Korea for an unofficial private visit, where he tours the Jeju Island . “If I can, I would really want to live in this paradise place in the world.” “If the island was given to me”, he jokes, “I would make my performances here. It would be great if I can buy the whole island, I want here to be my holiday resort.” “If ever North and South Korea reunify, I will come back to South Korea on that day and put up a memorable performance.”
Nov. 21, 1997, Kim Dae-jung, then South Korean presidential candidate of the National Congre

金大中(김대중,1924年1月6日 -2009年8月18日 ),大韓民國政治家、社會活動家,全羅南道荷衣島人。本貫為金海金氏。號「後廣」(후광),別名忍冬草(인동초)[1]。他在1957年成為一位天主教徒,聖名為Thomas More,代父是張勉[1]。
1998 Michael在韓國首都漢城,並於2月25日出席了金大中(Kim Dae Jung)總統就職典禮。