

製作人Buz Kohan 回憶MJ

來源:邁克爾傑克遜飯團吧_百度貼吧 翻譯:nellsky

Buz Kohan shares one of his memories about Michael


BUZ KOHAN1933年生於美國紐約,他是一名製作人、編劇、作曲家,參與了許多特別節目和演唱會歌曲的創作,包括“Going back to Indiana”演唱會、 “Jacksons Family Honor”晚會、“One Night Only”演唱會(MJ因為暈倒入院無法出演)、“Motown 25周年、薩米.大衛斯從藝60周年紀念晚會的“You Were There”,以及克林頓總統就職典禮上的“Gone too Soon” 現在他和我們分享了一篇他在邁克爾困難時期寫給邁克爾的詩,作為感謝,邁克爾贈送了2只叫“Billlie Jean” "Bad"的鳥給他。這又是一個關於邁克爾慷慨感恩的故事。

我寫給邁克爾的詩可以追溯到2004年,當時他正在經歷著一個非常艱難的時期。詩發出去一兩天后,一個信使敲開我家的門,送來一大包禮物,我正要簽名時他說還有一個。他拿著一個很大的金屬物體回來,裡面似乎有鳥叫聲。我想,他真好,給我送來一隻機械鳥。但當我掀開蓋在上面的布時,我才意識到那不是只機械鳥,而是兩隻非常機靈、美麗的白鴿。 和鴿子一起送來的還有一張非常可愛而情真意切的小便條,邁克爾說非常感謝我,他被這首詩感動了。值得注意的是,裡面還有一本關於珍奇鳥類的科普書,和一年的鳥食。我接過盒子和鳥,把它們放到院子裡,並把兩隻鴿子叫做“Billie Jean”“Bad”

一天晚上,一隻小野獸串到院子裡來,襲擊了"Bad",我以為"Billie Jean"肯定很快也會心碎而死。然而它沒有。為了歌頌MJ不屈不撓的精神,“Billie Jean”持續鳴叫了五年。它繼續歌唱著,多棒的鳥兒。

遺憾的是,邁克爾從未有機會和我一起坐下來,把這首詩做成音樂,它現在還一直保存在我的檔裡。我希望你們可以給全世界發一條鼓舞人心的資訊——例如邁克爾一直試圖處理好他的音樂、慈善和生活。 邁克爾,我的朋友,走得太快了,但他的光芒永不會褪色。 安息吧,親愛的。
---“Buzzie Wuzzie”
Producer, Writer and Composer BUZ KOHAN shows us a poem he wrote for Michael when he was going through a difficult time and Michael thanking him by giving him 2 birds that he called 'Billie Jean' and 'Bad'. Once again a story of Michael's generosity in thanking friends.

This poem I wrote for Michael back in 2004 when he was going through a very difficult time. I sent it and a day or two later, a messenger knocked on my door to give me a big bag of gifts. I was about to sign the shipping when he said there was more. He returned with a large metal object that appeared to be chirping. I thought, how nice, He have sent one of those mechanical birds, but when I uncapped the cloth that covered it, I realized that there were not mechanical birds, but two beautiful white doves or pigeons, and were very much alive.

Together the birds came a lovely and heartfelt note thanking the poem that I wrote to Michael and telling me that he had been touched by it. Also of note, had a book on exotic birds and bird seed for a year. I took the box with the birds into the yard and called them “Billie Jean” and “Bad.”

One night, an animal that roamed the house , attacked the Bad, and I thought, being so close soon, surely, Billie Jean, would die with a broken heart. As a tribute to his indomitable spirit, Billie Jean chirping continues five years later. Keep on singing, sweet bird.

Sadly, Michael never had the opportunity to sit with me to put music to the poem, and just kept it in my files so far, I hope you can send an inspirational message to the world … something that Michael has always tried to do with their music, charity, and his life. Michael, my friend, gone too soon, but its light will never fade.

Rest easy, dear soul. “Buzzie Wuzzie” (This is how Michael always called me)
BUZ KOHAN a friend of Michael Jackson, a producer, writer and composer, born in New York in 1933. Among the many TV programs and special has occurred, are“Going back to Indiana”, “Jacksons Family Honor,” “One Night Only” (Michael Jackson failed performance in 1995, New York), “Motown 25” “You Were There”
Sammy Davis Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration, 1990, “Gone too Soon”, The 52nd Presidential Inaugural Gala, 1993 …


by Buz Kohan

Big storm blowing
Danger growing
Wind coming up from
Every side
Air is filed with
Flying objects
No relief
No place to hide

Fury follows
Shaking, breaking
Taking charge
Complete control
Whirling, swirling,
All around me
Trying to
Destroy my soul

All so senseless
I’m defenseless
Caugth in a frenzy
Wipped and tossed
Pushed and shoved and
Smashed and bashed
When all is chaos
All is lost

More harsh raids
Resistance fades
I am alone, wind-
Blown and beat
Wind, you win
I must give in now
In disgrace, I
Face defeat

The, from way off
In the distance
There comes a tiny
Shaft of light
Growing brighter
Growing lighter
Shinning through the
Endless night

From a tiny
Ray of sunshine
There comes a brilliant
Amber glow
Touching all that
Comes before it
As I watch it
Grow and grow

With the sunlight
Comes the voices
All getting louder
More intense
Speaking to me
Pain and anguish
Let the healing
Now commence

Let the truth
Emerge before us
Let all the lies be
Drowned in shame
Let the storm
At last disperse to
Clear the air and
Clear my name

You, my friends you
All sustain me
There to defend when
I’m attacked
You restore my
Faith and courage
When the mirror
Has been cracked

You surround me
With your passion
Guiding my steps when
I’m unsure
Through your love I’m
Wrapped in sunlight
Once again I
Feel secure

For your faith, I
Make this promise
I shall not fail your
Trust, I swear
No disaster
Can destroy me
Long as I know
How much you care
Long as I know
Your love

I noticed a correlation between the “two birds”Buz received from Michael, and Michael’s poem from Dancing the Dream, called “Two Birds“.In Michael’s poem, he writes of one bird who watches invisibly and silently and whose voice Michael longs to be heard in his songs.

Michael is gone now, much like one of the birds Michael gifted to Buz, but the other bird still lives. Michael’s soul still lives on in his music. How many people “discovered” Michael after he died? From what I hear, quite a few. How many more deepened their understanding and knowledge of Michael after he died? Probably millions.


Here is Michael’s poem “Two Birds

It´s hard to tell them what I feel for you.
They haven´t ever met you, and no one has your picture.
So how can they ever understand your mystery?

Let´s give them a clue:
Two birds sit in a tree.
One eats cherries, while the other looks on.
Two birds fly though the air.
One’s song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent.
Two birds wheel in the sun.
One catches the light on it’s silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.

It´s easy to guess which bird I am, but they´ll never find you.
Unless . . .
Unless they already know a love that never interferes, that watches from beyond, that breathes free in the invisible air.
Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious.
How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?

Oh, that is a day I hunger for!

I think that day arrived on June 25th, 2009. We often think of physical death as a sad, dark thing – a bad time. And it is for those who are left behind. But what if it is something that set Michael free from the anguish of this life? What if it means his soul can finally be heard in his songs without all the other distractions and noise of endless scandals and allegations and smarmy tabloid rumors? What if this means that now he can be appreciated in the way he always deserved to be appreciated?

Of course it isn’t fair. It isn’t fair that this appreciation for Michael’s music and his artistry and himself as a human being and a humanitarian was not present in his life. But he’s finally free from the confines of all that. His song still lives – his soul is still very much alive in his music. To me, that’s what “Two Birds” is about. I think he wanted that level of appreciation when he was alive.

I saw what I’ll always believe was a physical manifestation of Michael flying away after he died. I watched in amazement as a stunning blue heron flew in and slowly walked around a beautiful glasslike pond in July 2009 as I sat on a bench nearby. The bird flew off when a couple with a camera got too close – another metaphor for the lack of privacy Michael experienced in his life. When he flew away, he was free from that. This was one of the most incredibly beautiful things I’d ever seen. I had the distinct feeling that this meant Michael was finally free of it all while the other bird, his soul, still lives – never interfering, watching from beyond, breathing free in the invisible air. How long will it be before the world hears his soul’s song? We can hear it now. Just put on the music.

With Buz Kohan and with Michael, there were Two Birds. And one still lives. Keep singing, sweet bird.

