當邁克爾旋風在這幾周席捲全球之後,我們還想和你們分享更多一些好消息。在“虛擬MJ”隨《節奏奴隸》舞動的視頻上傳VEVO頻道後,僅僅六天內已收穫超過1000萬的觀看量,而且這個數字還在持續增長。這個表演也讓公告牌音樂獎獲得了它13年來的最高收視率,而公眾的反應也是非常積極——如果你查看VEVO上的回帖,喜歡它的人遠超不喜歡它的人,大約是10:1 !!!!這告訴我們,對於公眾來說,這是一個巨大的成功,畢竟,這就是我們想要的結果——讓世界其他人和我們所有人一樣,看到並愛上邁克爾。過去幾周的努力,尤其是公告牌音樂獎上的表演,真是非常奏效!
在Alki David提起無關緊要的官司和錯誤的評論(他完全沒有參與到這次製作中),以及ABC電視臺的宣傳下,對這個表演的期望值或許很高,但MJ遺產還是盡力在讓這種期望值在可控的範圍內。MJ遺產驕傲于過去幾周內所有宣傳活動所取得的成就,但也和你們所有歌迷一道,明確認識到這樣一個事實,那就是沒有任何人任何事可以取代邁克爾。全世界的歌迷都在網上予以積極的評價,並表達對《逃脫》(XSCAPE)專輯的支持,現在公眾也注意到了這張專輯,並加入到了這次盛事中來。
Message from
the Michael Jackson Estate, “MJ Fans have much to be proud of”

MJ Fans:
has been a whirlwind few weeks and we wanted to share some more good news with
you. In the six days since the video of the virtual MJ dancing to “Slave To The
Rhythm” was uploaded to VEVO, it has been viewed more than 10 million times and
that number is continuing to grow steadily. The performance gave the Billboard
Music Awards its highest ratings in 13 years, and the response in the general
public has been overwhelmingly positive – if you look at the VEVO post, you can
see that the likes outweigh the dislikes 10 to 1!!!! This tells us it is a
major success w/the general public which, after all, is what we all want – for
the rest of the world to see and love Michael the way that we all do. The
efforts of the last few weeks, and especially, the performance on the Billboard
Awards is working!
expectations might have been built up due to Alki David’s frivolous lawsuit and
inaccurate comments (he was not involved with the production at all), and ABC’s
efforts to promote the show, the Estate has tried hard to keep expectations in
check. The Estate is proud of what has been achieved with the promotional
activations over the last few weeks but recognizes, along with all of you, that
no one/nothing can replace Michael. Fans all over the world are speaking out
with their positive comments online and with their support for Xscape and now
the general public is taking notice and joining in.
general public, and more importantly the media, often takes cues from the fan
community. The support of the fan community publicly will only augment the
support of the general public for Michael Jackson.
MJ fans have much to be proud of – HITS Magazine put Xscape in its number one
spot based on it’s tallies for US sales, the record is the #1 selling album worldwide
for its first week and the #1 streamed record on Spotify for the first week of
release! The illusion has put Michael back in the forefront of the
entertainment world and helped promote Xscape.
Estate hopes that the fans are as thrilled as they are to see so much positive
press about Michael from every corner of the globe. It is heartwarming to see
that the overwhelming reaction from the general public to the new music and to
Michael. As we mentioned in one of our emails last week – we’re just getting
started. Keep watching for what’s next.
The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™
The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™