


來源 /   編譯:Badthriller

2015年5月20日 - 這是一本對“流行音樂之王”的終極評傳:通過400篇採訪挖掘和頌揚邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)對歌舞和流行文化的影響,從而全面、鮮活、深刻地描繪出他的形象。

自從1965年和哥哥們首次登上印第安那州蓋瑞市(Gary)的選秀節目那一刻起,邁克爾•傑克遜就註定會成為“流行音樂之王”。超過4億的唱片銷量、13座格萊美獎和迷倒世人的舞步讓從藝四十載的傑克遜成為全球偶像。《比莉•珍》(Billie Jean)和《黑與白》(Black Or White)等歌曲掀起了我們對種族和平等的討論,而傑克遜的標誌性美學,從白手套到太空步,更是定義了一個時代。儘管有多年的緋聞和爭議纏身,但傑克遜的終極遺產永遠都是他的音樂。

《滾石》撰稿編輯史蒂夫•諾珀(Steve Knopper)深入挖掘邁克爾•傑克遜的音樂和才華。從早年的“傑克遜五兄弟”(Jackson 5)歲月,到成為獨唱歌手的一枝獨秀,到《避開》(Beat It)、《顫慄》(Thriller)、《飆》(Bad)、《鏡中人》(Man In The Mirror)等金曲大放異彩,再到複雜多變的最後歲月、命途多舛的回歸演出和不期而至的猝然離世,諾珀研究了孕育邁克爾•傑克遜天才的那份迷人而矛盾的力量。通過400篇精彩的採訪 —— 從傑克遜的親戚、朋友、唱片高管到Will.I.Am、艾爾•揚科維奇(Weird Al Yankovic)等名人 —— 這本評傳關注了他事業的方方面面,頌揚了他在藝術和音樂上的成就。對於一個無與倫比的天才的影響,這是少有而全面的視角。

MJ: The Genius of Michael Jackson
By Steve Knopper

The ultimate critical biography of the King of Pop: a panoramic, vivid, and incisive portrait of Michael Jackson that explores and celebrates his influence in music, dance, and popular culture, drawing on 400 interviews.

From the moment in 1965 when he first stepped on stage with his brothers at a local talent show in Gary, Indiana, Michael Jackson was destined to become the undisputed King of Pop. In a career spanning four decades, Jackson became a global icon, selling over 400 million albums, earning thirteen Grammy awards, and spinning dance moves that captivated the world. Songs like “Billie Jean” and “Black and White” altered our national discussion of race and equality, and Jackson’s signature aesthetic, from the single white glove to the moonwalk, defined a generation. Despite years of scandal and controversy, Jackson’s ultimate legacy will always be his music.

Rolling Stone contributing editor Steve Knopper delves deeply into Michael Jackson’s music and talent. From the artist’s early days with the Jackson 5, to his stratospheric success as a solo artist, to “Beat It” and “Thriller,” “Bad” and “The Man in the Mirror,” to his volatile final years, his attempted comeback, and untimely death, Knopper explores the beguiling and often contradictory forces that fueled Michael Jackson’s genius. Drawing on an amazing 400 interviews—ranging from Jackson’s relatives, friends, and key record executives to celebrities like and Weird Al Yankovic—this critical biography puts all the elements of his career into perspective, and celebrates his triumph in art and music. This is a rare and panoramic view into the genius and influence of an incomparable talent.

