

Top 10 Most Famous People Of All Time



Top 10 Most Famous People Of All Time  

A famous cannot be recognized by a night work, it takes many years to become prominent. Though it is always hard to define people’s efforts into a small list but, we possibly brought the best people in the world. However, you will miss some of those famous personalities like Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, William Shakespeare, Napoleon and much more. But after by long searching and asking people, we finalized our list based on how often they come to our mouth and front of our eyes. Perhaps they have changed the world and perspectives of our lives. You can address them in any way, such as god, mentor, influential, great thinker, father, Philosopher, anything. This is how we made the list of top 10 most famous people of all time.

1 Jesus 耶穌

Words are truly not enough to elucidate that who Jesus was and why people worship him, according to four canonical gospels, he was born as the holy spirit from a virgin lady in the year of A.D, and he was the most prestigious person on earth that have ever existed. Often referred to as the son of god. Maybe not every person knows exactly about him very much. But, the name of Jesus Christ is bountiful. Jesus is the leader of Christianity and the kind of faith people show that certainly make him the most significant person on earth of all time and.

2 Muhammad穆罕默德

Muhammad was the last messenger of God and the prophet like others, Nuh, Musa, Saleh, Moses and Jesus Christ. Muhammad brought Islam for non- Muslims and to restore Islam. He was the only person who entered in the record the word of god and which later became the Quran. Prophet Muhammad was born about the year A.D. 570 in Makah and died A.D.632 in Medina. However, till the time, he united all Arabia (Middle East) under a single God.

3 Michael Jackson 麥可•傑克森

Whether you like him or not doesn’t matter, the matter is who doesn’t know him as “The King of Pop”, Mr. Michael Jackson the evolution of entertainment. Michael Jackson broke all the barriers of pop culture and established himself for over four decades. Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958. But, the crotch grab Man merited immortal in 2009. He is the most awarded and; one of the most recorded artists.
麥可•約瑟•傑克森(英語:Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日)是一位美國的歌手、流行歌曲作家、唱片製作人、舞蹈家及演員,常被尊稱為「流行音樂之王」(King of Pop)。傑克森對音樂、舞蹈和時尚的貢獻,以及備受關注的個人生活,使他成為全球流行文化的代表人物超過四十年。

4  Adolf Hitler 阿道夫•希特勒

Hitler’s aimed to become the world’s most powerful man as the causes of WW2 and the Holocaust. He was the most notorious person of the 20th century. Today’s our school text books are full with stories of Hitler. He’s one of the most hated people on earth. He was an idealistic German politician and dictator of Nazi Germany. He was also responsible for killing around 6 million people, including Jews, children, handicrafts, and women, etc. During WW2, he killed himself before Germany’s defeat.
 阿道夫•希特勒(德語:Adolf Hitler,1889年4月20日-1945年4月30日),德國政治人物,納粹黨領袖,1933年至1945年擔任德國總理,1934年至1945年亦任納粹德國元首。作為納粹德國獨裁者,希特勒於1939年9月發動波蘭戰役,導致第二次世界大戰在歐洲爆發,並為納粹大屠殺的主要發動者之一。

5 Albert Einstein 阿爾伯特•愛因斯坦

Very few people have born with brain blessing; Albert Einstein was one of them. His philosophy towards physics, mathematics, and science made him the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He formulated the most famous equation “E = mc2”. A Nobel prize winner, Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, which later explained the forces of gravity and allowed to help him the world’s famous person of modern physics. He was from Jews family and born and raised in Germany, due to a power of Hitler in Germany, Einstein moved to U.S and became an American citizen.
阿爾伯特•愛因斯坦(德語:Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日)是20世紀猶太裔理論物理學家,創立了現代物理學的兩大支柱之一的相對論,也是質能等價公式(E = mc2)的發現者。他在科學哲學領域頗具影響力。因為「對理論物理的貢獻,特別是發現了光電效應」,他榮獲1921年諾貝爾物理學獎。這發現為量子理論的建立踏出了關鍵性的一步。

6 Leonardo Da Vinci 李奧納多•達文西
In your life, you have certainly seen at least twice the Mona Lisa woman portrait, It was created by the artist Leonardo DA Vinci, he was an inventor, architect, sculptor, cartographer, geologist, engineer, writer, botanist, mathematician, anatomist, musician, scientist, and one of the greatest painters of all time. This Renaissance man was born in 1452, in Vinci, Italy and raised by his father and stepmothers. Da Vinci is widely known for his best Portraits such as Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and Lady with an Ermine. And the inventions such as parachute, viola organista, and Leonardo DA Vinci’s tank.
李奧納多•達文西(義大利語:Leonardo da Vinci;儒略曆1452年4月15日-1519年5月2日),又譯達芬奇,,是義大利文藝復興時期的一個博學者:在繪畫、音樂、建築、數學、幾何學、解剖學、生理學、動物學、植物學、天文學、氣象學、地質學、地理學、物理學、光學、力學、發明、土木工程等領域都有顯著的成就。他的天賦或許比同時期的其他人物都高,這使他成為文藝復興時期人文主義的代表人物,也使得他成為文藝復興時期典型的藝術家,也是歷史上最著名的畫家之一,與米開朗基羅和拉斐爾並稱文藝復興三傑。小行星3000為紀念達文西而被命名為「李奧納多」。

7 Sir Isaac Newton 艾薩克•牛頓爵士

Born in the 17th century, December 25 – 1642 yet remain the most famous and influential person scientists of all time and prominent figure in the scientific revolution. Isaac saw this world in a totally new way, as a natural philosopher, he designed the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Newton’s book “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” that covered the vital possible concept of physics. He was a master as Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer, and creating new laws and theories of physics and soon after knowing as newton’s law, made him the most famous person on the universe.
艾薩克•牛頓爵士PRS MP[ 儒略曆:1642年12月25日-1726年3月20日]是一位英格蘭物理學家、數學家、天文學家、自然哲學家和煉金術士。1687年他發表《自然哲學的數學原理》,闡述了萬有引力和三大運動定律,奠定了此後三個世紀裡力學和天文學的基礎,並成為了現代工程學的基礎。

8 Abraham Lincoln 亞伯拉罕•林肯
Lincoln served the today’s most dominant country of the world, and led positively the US during its bloodiest war – its American Civil War (1861 to 1865), Lincoln was not only a famous president for during the civil war for preserving  the union but also, influenced millions of people in the world, by his Gettysburg address. He was president of the United States until he has been assassinated.
亞伯拉罕•林肯(英語:Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),第十六任美國總統,1861年3月就任,直至1865年4月遇刺身亡。林肯領導美國經歷其歷史上最為慘烈的戰爭和最為嚴重的道德、憲政和政治危機——南北戰爭。經由此役,他維護聯邦的完整,廢除奴隸制,增強聯邦政府的權力,並推動經濟的現代化。也因此美國學界和公眾時常將林肯稱作是美國歷史上最偉大的總統之一。

9 Mahatma Gandhi 甘地
Gandhi was the first person who raised voice for the nonviolence movement. He carved his own unique path of nonviolent policy in India to freedom. His concerned was freedom to humanity across the world, not only Indians. His campaigns for, human rights, ethnic amity, ending untouchability, Swaraj or self-rule, and marches, made him the leader of India’s independence movement. In India, he is widely known as “father of the nation” and “Bapu”. On 30th Jan -1948, Gandhi was assassinated. 

莫罕達斯•卡拉姆昌德•甘地(1869年10月2日-1948年1月30日),人們尊稱他為聖雄甘地(英語:Mahatma Gandhi),是印度民族主義運動和國大黨領袖,他帶領印度邁向獨立,脫離英國殖民地統治。他的非暴力(ahimsa)哲學思想影響了全世界的民族主義者和那些爭取和平變革的國際運動。


10 Aristotle 亞里斯多德

Aristotle is the most influential human being who ever lived. Greek philosopher and was the first genuine scientist in history by Encyclopedia Britannica. He worked with some of the best philosophers, like Plato and Socrates. He was the teacher of Alexander the Great and established his own School, The Lyceum. He studied all most all topics and wrote about on many subjects, Including biology, aesthetics, poetry, ethics, physics, politics and government, metaphysics, theater, music, linguistics, zoology, logic, rhetoric and others more.

11 Elvis Presley

The guy who changed the face of rock and roll music and later known as the king of rock and roll, the most famous and the most notable personality of the 20th century and he is the best-selling solo artist followed by Michael Jackson. Presley started his music career in 1954 and his first RCA single Heartbreak Hotel became number one hit in the united states, and his contribution to rock n roll, rockabilly, blues, gospel, soul, rhythm and country, and appearances on the sliver screen, TV, and the radio in the mid of 1950 including many Grammy awards as well as Grammy lifetime achievement award made him the most prominent individual in music culture of all time.

