

樣帶Days In Gloucestershire:30年前在格洛斯特郡的日子

來源 / Damien Shields    編譯:Badthriller

邁克爾傑克遜(Michael Jackson)歌迷社區昨天迎來一波歌曲大洩露,其中一首正是備受期待的未發行樣帶《在格洛斯特郡的日子》(Days In Gloucestershire)。

《在格洛斯特郡的日子》是傑克遜和編曲師/製作人布拉德巴克瑟(Brad Buxer)、錄音師邁克爾普林斯(Michael Prince)合作的錄音,算是對《我輸了》(I Am A Loser)的補救。





邁克爾回憶起還在傑克遜五兄弟Jackson 5)期間,他曾去過英國一個美麗的地方,叫做格洛斯特郡。



他會錄一段,唱個副歌,但沒錄第二段。長期合作製作人特迪瑞利(Teddy Riley)如是說傑克遜的錄樣帶習慣,為了記錄下靈感。



"Days In Gloucestershire"

Like we really used to before we met the fall
I can’t get it back, my youth is gone
We really had it all, oh

Hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
The air has changed
The city won’t light in an about you
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire, again

Ahh, ohh, mmm
Da la da la

Hold me like you really used to before we met the fall
I can’t get it back, my youth is gone
We really had it all, oh

Hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
The air has changed
The city won’t light in an about you
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire, again

Hold me like you really used to before we met the fall
I can’t get it back, my youth is gone
We really had it all

So, hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
The air has changed
The city won’t light in an about you
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire

So, hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
The air has changed
The city won’t light in an about you
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire
I wish that we’ll see Gloucestershire again

Again, so

Hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
Hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire

Hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
Just hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire

Just hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire
Just hold my like you really used to
Summers in Gloucestershire

