

瑞爾•威廉姆斯現身脫口秀 曾兩次掛斷MJ來電



這位不老的歌手告訴坎莫爾,當時他身邊的人逼他再打一次電話,於是他撥通了電話,MJ在電話那頭說:你好,我是邁克爾。並伴隨著咀嚼食物的聲音。他在吃爆米花,那時我才知道真的是MJ。我對賈斯汀說:兄弟,那是MJ打的電話,而且他還在電話裡吃爆米花。賈斯汀對此倒是很習以為常,畢竟人家是大明星賈斯汀·汀布萊克嘛,發現自己掛斷了一位元傳奇人物的電話,法瑞爾試圖做點補救,不過邁克爾實際上是要找賈斯汀的。我說:我是你的超級粉絲。他說:跟賈斯汀合作還好嗎?他人好嗎?’ ‘很好,先生。’ MJ回道:那很好,很棒。過得愉快,再見。’ ”


這個電話是在邁克爾拒絕了法瑞爾的歌之後打來的,當時法瑞爾與搭檔查德·雨果一起寫歌兼製作。我們見過幾次面,第一次會面很奇怪。我和搭檔查德大概寫了8首歌給他,當時N.O.R.E的《Superthug》正流行,他的經紀人說:兄弟,這不是邁克爾想要的歌,他要的是像《Superthug》這樣的歌。我當時的臉就僵了。因為我想的是搖滾,而邁克爾卻要接受很多不同的文化,查德和我都想得太簡單了。幸運的是,很多首歌最終都找到了好去處,法瑞爾通過Jay Z認識了賈斯汀,並說服他單獨行動,於是他們最後一起合作出了賈斯汀的首張個人專輯。

'King of popcorn!' Pharrell Williams reveals he hung up on Michael Jackson twice during bizarre phone call with the singer after he turned down his music

When you have the King Of Pop on the phone asking about your music, what is the best response? Well, hang up if you are Pharrell Williams.
The 41-year-old revealed to Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday night that he thought someone was playing a joke on him when he received a call from Michael Jackson.
Appearing on the late show, the singer said he hung up on the iconic star not once, but twice while recording music with Justin Timberlake for his first solo album.
The ageless singer told Kimmel his people had to force him to take the call a third time: 'So I pick up the phone and he's like ''Hello, how are you? It's Michael [crunch crunch crunch].''
'He was eating popcorn in my ear and that's when I knew it was him.
'So Justin is used to it at this point, this is Justin ''Big Pop Star'' Timberlake and I'm like, ''Dude, it's Michael on the phone and he's eating popcorn in my ear.'''

Realising he had just hung up on a legend, the Get Lucky singer tried to make things right, but to his disappointment it was Justin that Michael really wanted to talk about.
'I'm like, ''I'm such a huge fan,'' and he's like ''How's it going with Justin, is he good?'''
After Pharrell responded 'Yes sir,' the Billie Jean singer said: 'That's good, that's amazing. Cool. Well, have a good time, see you later.'
While the call may have not been about him, the hit maker could not stop smiling as he recounted the story.
'That was the king, the king eating popcorn in my ear.'
The phone call came after Micheal had turned down a number of songs of Pharrell's, who along with partner Chad Hugo was working primarily as a song writer and producer at the time.
'We had several meetings the first meeting was weird. Chad and  I, Chad my partner, wrote like eight songs for him and his manager heard them - and this was right around the time of Superthug by N.O.R.E - and his manger was like ''Man, this isn't what Michael wants, Michael wants Superthug', and I was kind of like [pulls a quizzical face] ''So this is not going to happen.''
'Because I was thinking Rock With You but Michael was just a purveyor of so many different cultures, Chad and I were thinking too linearly.'
Luckily many of the songs found good homes, as after being introduced to Justin by Jay Z and Pharrell convincing the former 'N SYNC singer to become a solo act, they ended up on Justin's first solo record.

