

1976年J5亮相馬尼拉Student Canteen節目


1976 2 月, MJ 和他的幾兄弟第二次來到菲律賓馬尼拉參加一個情人節演唱會 ”Love Jive” 這些褪色的照片是 Jacksons 第二次作為嘉賓出現在一個收視率最高的午間節目 ” Student Canteen ” 時照的。
這個節目有個比賽環節,看看選手中誰唱的最像 MJ ,由 MJ 本人評判選出優勝者。顯然, MJ 看起來對必須選出唯一一位元獲勝者這個規則感到很為難,當最後的時刻到來時, MJ 同時舉起兩位選手的手(這不正是 MJ 的作風嗎)。
主持人 Eddie Ilarde 說, MJ 是他們幾兄弟中表現得最友好的一位。他非常親切, MJ 告訴我嗨, Ed !我們第二次來你的節目了,真榮幸再次收到邀請。他禮貌而友好,非常謙虛!那天演播室裡水泄不通,主持人甚至沒有位置走出來。同時,外面亂哄哄的,歌迷們期待著看上邁克爾和他的兄弟們一眼。


"February 1976 (Manila, Philippines) - Michael Jackson and his brother's second trip to the Philippines was for a 6 night Valentines Day Concert titled "Love Jive". These faded photos were taken when The Jacksons guested for the second time in the top rated noontime show Student Canteen. The show had a Michael Jackson sing-a-like contest and Michael himself was the judge and the one to award the winner.

Apparently, Michael looked very uncomfortable with the idea of having to select one winner and when the time came, Michael raised BOTH finalists hands.

(Isn't that a very Michael thing to do?) Edddie Ilarde, the host of the show describes Michael as the friendliest among the brothers. "He was just the sweetest. Michael told me, 'Hi Ed! This is our second time in your show and it's an honor to be invited again.'

He was polite and nice. Very humble!" said Eddie. As you can see the studio was jam packed that day. The hosts didn't even have space to step away from the set. Meanwhile, it was pandemonium outside as fans waited to get a glimpse of Michael and his brothers."

