


來源         翻譯: Keen

在回憶Michael Jackson 和 Janet Jackson在1995年合作的《尖叫》(Scream)時,R&B樂界金牌製作人Jimmy Jam和Terry Lewis回憶了當年的故事。

Jam: 邁克爾讓珍妮和他合唱一首歌。珍妮到明尼阿波利斯來,給了我們一些歌曲的靈感。這首歌最後變成了《尖叫》。我們到MJ在紐約特朗普大廈的公寓去,放了這首曲子,並在一個小時的時間裡搞定了歌詞。他終於把心中的不平宣洩到了這首歌裡,然後人就變得輕鬆了。這就是這首歌的內容。錄製這首歌的情景,可能是史上最震撼的體驗了。他走進錄音室前,非常友善的說,“好啦,我要試試錄我的部分了……”於是邁克爾就進去錄了,而在音樂開始的那一瞬間,他就變成了塔斯馬尼亞大惡魔。他變成了完全另外一個人,跺腳,拍掌,讓首飾響叮噹——他在做所有你在錄音室裡不該做的事。我和Terry坐在那裡,驚呼:“我的天啦!”

Lewis: 我們就像粉絲一樣尖叫。

Jam: 他從頭到尾幹完了這首歌。珍妮靠過來說,“我還是到明尼阿波利斯錄我的部分好了。”她不想在這個狀況下跟著參與進去。我不怪她。於是我們後來錄了珍妮的唱段,再寄給了邁克爾。“哦,珍妮聽上去好棒。你們在哪錄的她?”他問。“明尼阿波利斯,”我回答。“哦,我也想到明尼阿波利斯來錄。”他說。你會發現這對同胞兄妹之間也在激烈競爭。他的意思是,“是啊,我們彼此相愛,但我也要玩命去唱。”

Jam: Michael had asked Janet to do a song with him. Janet came to Minneapolis just to give us some inspiration for some tracks. The song that ended up becoming "Scream." We went to his apartment in Trump Tower, put the track on and basically wrote the song lyrically in an hour. He definitely had things to get off his chest and that's what it was about. Recording the song was probably one of the most mind-blowing experiences ever. He walked into the studio, very nice and very kind: "OK, I'm going to try my part now. . . ." So Michael goes in and the moment the music starts, he turns into the Tasmanian Devil. He's a whole different person, stomping, clapping, he's got jewelry jingling — all the stuff you're not supposed to do in the studio. Me and Terry are sitting there going "Oh my God!"
Lewis: Screaming like fans.
Jam: He totally nails the song start to finish. Janet leans in and goes, "I'll do my vocal in Minneapolis." She wanted no part of following that. I don't blame her. So we do Janet's vocal, we send it to him. "Oh, Janet sounds really good. Where did you record her?" Minneapolis. "Oh, I want to come to Minneapolis and do my vocal." What you got was this sibling rivalry between brother and sister who are also competitive. Yeah, we love each other, but I'm going to sing my ass off.

