CBC最近播放了一段關於傳奇編舞家Vincent Patterson的記錄片《The Man Behind The Throne》,片段已經在網上流出。 除了他和Michael Jackson、Madonna等巨星的合作外,他還為Hal Prince在百老匯的原創作品《Kiss Of The Spider Woman》創作了舞蹈。 他的其它作品包括有Mike Nichols的電影《The Birdcage》和《Cloer》、Alan Parker的電影《Evita》和Lars con Trier的《Dancer In The Dark》 舞臺上,他也在2004年執導了柏林的《Cabaret》的製作。 完整記錄片會在近期發佈,而之前已經在3月20日在加拿大首播。
Choreographer & Dancer Vincent Paterson Talks About The Making Of Smooth Criminal, and Working With Michael Jackson
He is music. His body IS music."
He is music. His body IS music."
Vincent Paterson speaking about Michael's innate dancing ability & his ability to interpret music and make it come to life"...I had danced with MJ in two videos. I was the gang leader in Beat It, and a zombie dancer in Thriller, as well as being the assistant choreographer for Michael Peters. I was at home one night and got a phone call. A very soft voice asked for Vincent Paterson. I thought it was someone playing a joke on me, using a voice like Michael Jackson. “Who’s calling? “ I asked. “It’s Michael Jackson,” was the reply. “Who the hell is this?” I asked. Same response. “I’m gonna hang the f*** phone up if you don’t tell me who is calling,“ I said. It really was Michael Jackson. I profusely apologized.
Choreographer Vincent Paterson, a 1972 graduate of Dickinson College, works with Michael Jackson on the "Smooth Criminal" video in the 1980s.
The 59-year-old (Paterson), who lives in California’s Hollywood Hills, occasionally hears Jackson’s soft voice in his head -- a voice he can imitate almost perfectly. “He always told me to let the music talk to you,” Paterson said. “Don’t ever impose your thoughts on the music. The music will tell you what it wants to do.”

Dickinson College grad to talk about his years working with Michael Jacksonhttp://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2010/03/dickinson_college_grad_to_talk.html
The 59-year-old (Paterson), who lives in California’s Hollywood Hills, occasionally hears Jackson’s soft voice in his head -- a voice he can imitate almost perfectly. “He always told me to let the music talk to you,” Paterson said. “Don’t ever impose your thoughts on the music. The music will tell you what it wants to do.”

Dickinson College grad to talk about his years working with Michael Jacksonhttp://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2010/03/dickinson_college_grad_to_talk.html
“I lived with Michael through all of those years with the press,” Paterson said. “I would sit in the trailer and he would cry. He would say ‘I don’t understand why they want to tear me apart.’”
If Michael Jackson was the king of pop, Vincent Paterson was the man behind his crown.
In his expansive resume of entertainment projects, the 1972 graduate of Dickinson College spent chunks of the last 25 years choreographing performances for celebrities including Madonna and Jackson, who died last summer.
Paterson, a theater major, will return to Dickinson to discuss his career at 7 p.m. March 31 in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on West Louther Street between College and Cherry Streets in Carlisle.
He already knows the first question everyone’s going to ask about the “amazing, amazing man” who employed him for 16 years: “Most people what to know what I thought of Michael Jackson,” said Paterson. “Was he a nice guy or was he weird?”
Paterson portrays the white gang leader in the “Beat It” video. He also helped choreograph and played a zombie in “Thriller” before Jackson put him in charge of his moves in “Smooth Criminal.”
“(Jackson) never said a mean thing to anybody,” said Paterson. “He is very much alive in my mind and always in my heart.”
To Paterson, Jackson was the catalyst of his success, not the Wacko Jacko, off-the-deep-end image concocted by the tabloids. “I lived with Michael through all of those years with the press,” Paterson said. “I would sit in the trailer and he would cry. He would say ‘I don’t understand why they want to tear me apart.’”
The 59-year-old, who lives in California’s Hollywood Hills, occasionally hears Jackson’s soft voice in his head -- a voice he can imitate almost perfectly. “He always told me to let the music talk to you,” Paterson said. “Don’t ever impose your thoughts on the music. The music will tell you what it wants to do.”
If Michael Jackson was the king of pop, Vincent Paterson was the man behind his crown.
In his expansive resume of entertainment projects, the 1972 graduate of Dickinson College spent chunks of the last 25 years choreographing performances for celebrities including Madonna and Jackson, who died last summer.
Paterson, a theater major, will return to Dickinson to discuss his career at 7 p.m. March 31 in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium on West Louther Street between College and Cherry Streets in Carlisle.
He already knows the first question everyone’s going to ask about the “amazing, amazing man” who employed him for 16 years: “Most people what to know what I thought of Michael Jackson,” said Paterson. “Was he a nice guy or was he weird?”
Paterson portrays the white gang leader in the “Beat It” video. He also helped choreograph and played a zombie in “Thriller” before Jackson put him in charge of his moves in “Smooth Criminal.”
“(Jackson) never said a mean thing to anybody,” said Paterson. “He is very much alive in my mind and always in my heart.”
To Paterson, Jackson was the catalyst of his success, not the Wacko Jacko, off-the-deep-end image concocted by the tabloids. “I lived with Michael through all of those years with the press,” Paterson said. “I would sit in the trailer and he would cry. He would say ‘I don’t understand why they want to tear me apart.’”
The 59-year-old, who lives in California’s Hollywood Hills, occasionally hears Jackson’s soft voice in his head -- a voice he can imitate almost perfectly. “He always told me to let the music talk to you,” Paterson said. “Don’t ever impose your thoughts on the music. The music will tell you what it wants to do.”
