文/ 喬•沃格爾(Joe Vogel)
《別浪費時間》(Don’t Be Messin’ ‘Round)的樣帶是“飆”(Bad)時期的未發行歌曲之一,供歌迷一窺“流行音樂之王”的創作和錄音過程。
距邁克爾•傑克遜(Michael Jackson)在洛杉磯西湖錄音室(Westlake Studio)完成1987年經典的《飆》專輯已經25年,今天,當索尼(Sony)重新發行的《飆》專輯首發單曲《止不住的愛戀》(I Just can’t Stop Loving You)登陸沃爾瑪的貨架時,一支那個時期從未聽過的樣帶終於得見天日。B面一首有感染力的快歌《別浪費時間》讓你一窺傑克遜的創作過程,作為創作人,他的才華被大大浪費。
傑克遜有個習慣,就是為每個新項目創作、錄製許多潛在歌曲。“飆”時期尤為顯著,這是他職業生涯的高產期。考慮到錄製的好歌數量,他一度想把《飆》打造成三碟裝專輯。所以到今年秋天,索尼音樂和傑克遜遺產管理委員會將發行一張全部由“飆”時期未發行歌曲組成的專輯。目前曲目表尚未確定,待接近9月18日 這個發行日,具體資訊將公之於眾,目前有超過20支全新、未聽過的樣帶正在考慮收錄進專輯中。正在接受評估的歌曲中包括一些真正的精華和一些就連大多數傑克遜死忠歌迷也不知道名字的歌曲。
一支由傑克遜的合作者和看護者組成的團隊 —— 包括遺產管理委員會的頭頭、索尼副總裁約翰•多爾普(John Doelp)、製作人阿爾•誇格列瑞【Al Quaglieri,他監督了2004年套裝《邁克爾•傑克遜:終極收藏》(Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection)】和錄音師馬特•佛格(Matt Forger) —— 正在保管庫中尋找可以用於《飆25周年》(Bad 25)的發行素材。鑒定潛在歌曲的標準很簡單:它們得是在“飆”時期(1985 – 1987年)錄製的,它們必須被加工到足夠完整。
邁克爾•傑克遜遺產管理委員會(Michael Jackson estate)和索尼遺產公司(Sony Legacy)這一次讓傑克遜的作品原始而未經修飾,不同於“流行音樂之王”2010年飽受爭議的《邁克爾》(Michael)專輯。歌曲將被儘量少優化,而更忠於傑克遜留下的面貌。類似於備受稱讚的2009年紀錄片《就是這樣》(This Is It),目的就是親密接觸原生態的傑克遜。聽眾其實被帶進錄音室,看邁克爾•傑克遜為他接下來的暢銷專輯打造各種音樂創意。
《別浪費時間》很好地詮釋了這個概念。在這首歌中,我們能聽到傑克遜給出指示,用嘴唱出音樂部分,安排哪兒該加重音、哪兒加打擊樂,亂唱並即興唱出許多未完成歌詞。“一個主要目的就是展現這些是在製作中的作品。”錄音師、傑克遜的長期好友、合作者馬特•佛格說,“拉開窗簾,看自然工作狀態下的邁克爾,看他如何指導,他的幽默感和他的專注。”成品是特意未完成、純天然。“你能聽到他玩得很開心。”佛格說,“他的靈魂和情感全在那裏。他知道錄樣帶時不用很完美,所以很放鬆,他會加入即興片段,或唱或跳,或打響指或拍手。你能聽到他玩得很快樂。”傑克遜最早是在《顫慄》(Thriller)時期和錄音師布倫特•埃弗里爾(Brent Averill)創作並錄製《別浪費時間》的。當時,他正在打造各種音樂創意,包括《P.Y.T.》和《比莉•珍》(Billie Jean)的樣帶。《別浪費時間》上有傑克遜自己彈的鋼琴(“他能做的比人們知道的還要多。”佛格說。),他還製作、編曲和指導了許多音樂部分,包括弦樂、喬納森•馬克西(Jonathan Maxey)在橋段部分的鋼琴和大衛•威廉姆斯(David Williams)的放克吉他。
最終,《別浪費時間》沒有加工完成,其他更強大的歌曲被選入《顫慄》,傑克遜決定把這首歌先放一邊,考慮下張專輯再重新加工。“那是邁克爾加工創意和歌曲的做法。”佛格解釋道,“他讓歌曲到時候自己出現。有時一首歌沒有準備好,或者不適合一張專輯或項目的特點,它就待在保管庫中。在某個時候,他會再把它抽出來。”這首歌1986年再次出現,在“飆”初期,傑克遜主要和錄音師馬特•佛格跟比爾•博特賴爾(Bill Bottrell)在“研究室” —— 傑克遜在海文赫斯特(Hayvenhurst)翻修過的家庭錄音室的昵稱 —— 製作這首歌。作為典型的傑克遜快歌,這首歌剛開始很長(差不多有8分鐘)。“邁克爾喜歡讓一首歌很長。”佛格說,“他喜歡讓音樂放出來,因為他能跟著跳舞,這很重要,因為當邁克爾覺得音樂能讓他跳舞,這就意味著歌曲到位了。”可是,傑克遜的節奏不太一樣,它們通常缺少許多舞曲中可以預想到的重奏,而是令人驚訝地有著奇怪的節奏模式、結構和細微差別。“像類似的長版本(《別浪費時間》)聽起來真的很有趣,因為在不同的部分會有不同的東西。”佛格說,“這不像是你坐在那兒8分鐘覺得這真長,因為在那段時間內各種東西都會出現,讓你覺得,‘是的,這很酷。’聽這節奏很滿足。”剪輯歌曲對傑克遜而言通常是一個殘忍的過程,尤其剪開頭和結尾。《顫慄》和《飆》專輯上的其他歌曲也是這樣,傑克遜想把歌曲減到4、5分鐘長,《別浪費時間》的新混音就這麼長。
1986年底,傑克遜在家庭錄音室和西湖錄音室繼續製作《別浪費時間》。可是,當昆西•鐘斯(Quincy Jones)加入後,大刪減就開始了,《別浪費時間》被丟到剪輯室的地板上。傑克遜在《危險》(Dangerous)和《歷史》(HIStory)時期再次抽出這首歌,更新它的聲音,加入新元素。顯然,他喜歡這歌,但最終沒有為它找到合適的家。
1986年的樣帶不是一首突破性歌曲。聲音用力不均,歌詞沒有完成,製作沒有達到傑克遜和昆西•鐘斯如果完成時應有的標準。可是,這足以被加入“飆”時期未收錄好歌的名單【包括《街頭流鶯》(Streetwalker)、《遠走高飛》(Fly Away)和《騙子》(Cheater)】。“副歌吸引人,有潛力。”佛格說,“有種有趣的切分節奏感。”2009年,在對傳奇錄音師布魯斯•斯維迪恩(Bruce Swedien)的一次採訪中,布魯斯說這首歌是他最喜歡的未發行傑克遜歌曲之一。“它很美。”他說,“喔,我的天哪,沒有什麼比得上它。”就像他的許多作品,這首歌不屬於任何一派,融合了拉丁、爵士和流行風味。在輕快的波薩諾瓦節奏下,副歌層層交織,這首歌很容易就記在腦海,讓你想動起來 —— 精緻的切分音和複雜的節奏編排值得你再三聆聽(“音樂就像織錦。”傑克遜曾說,“有不同層次,交織纏繞,如果你一層層地看,就能更好地理解它。”)
1986年底,傑克遜在家庭錄音室和西湖錄音室繼續製作《別浪費時間》。可是,當昆西•鐘斯(Quincy Jones)加入後,大刪減就開始了,《別浪費時間》被丟到剪輯室的地板上。傑克遜在《危險》(Dangerous)和《歷史》(HIStory)時期再次抽出這首歌,更新它的聲音,加入新元素。顯然,他喜歡這歌,但最終沒有為它找到合適的家。
1986年的樣帶不是一首突破性歌曲。聲音用力不均,歌詞沒有完成,製作沒有達到傑克遜和昆西•鐘斯如果完成時應有的標準。可是,這足以被加入“飆”時期未收錄好歌的名單【包括《街頭流鶯》(Streetwalker)、《遠走高飛》(Fly Away)和《騙子》(Cheater)】。“副歌吸引人,有潛力。”佛格說,“有種有趣的切分節奏感。”2009年,在對傳奇錄音師布魯斯•斯維迪恩(Bruce Swedien)的一次採訪中,布魯斯說這首歌是他最喜歡的未發行傑克遜歌曲之一。“它很美。”他說,“喔,我的天哪,沒有什麼比得上它。”就像他的許多作品,這首歌不屬於任何一派,融合了拉丁、爵士和流行風味。在輕快的波薩諾瓦節奏下,副歌層層交織,這首歌很容易就記在腦海,讓你想動起來 —— 精緻的切分音和複雜的節奏編排值得你再三聆聽(“音樂就像織錦。”傑克遜曾說,“有不同層次,交織纏繞,如果你一層層地看,就能更好地理解它。”)

來源:MJJCN.com / mjdatabank.com

來源:MJJCN.com / mjdatabank.com
作者:理查·雷卡克(Richard Lecocq)編譯:Badthriller
作為《飆25周年》(BAD 25)項目的首支未發行歌曲,《止不住的愛戀》(I Just Can't Stop Loving You)單曲碟上的《別浪費時間》(Don't Be Messin' 'Round)是一首在邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson)歌迷和行家中有了很長歷史的歌曲。2009年7月,傳奇錄音師、傑克遜的長期合作者布魯斯·斯維迪恩(Bruce Swedien)向專欄作家羅傑·弗萊德曼(Roger Friedman)表示這首歌令人興奮:“邁克爾在歌曲裏彈了鋼琴,很美妙。”他還說:“哦,我的天哪,沒有什麼比得上這個。”他說傑克遜在歌曲中彈了鋼琴,這是傑克遜被低估的部分【他還在《嗎啡》(Morphine)上打過鼓,在未發行的低估歌曲《兒童節》(Children's Holiday)上彈奏了鍵盤與合成器,這首歌是傑克遜1998年為日本組合J-Friends創作的,自己也錄過】。
至今為止,唯一一本記錄過這首歌曲的書就是克裏斯·卡德曼(Chris Cadman)和克雷格·霍爾斯特德(Creaig Halstead)合著的參考書《邁克爾·傑克遜:全記錄》(Michael Jackson: For The Record)。曾經有一段很短的片段洩露到YouTube上,現在我們終于聽到了全曲。
斯維迪恩說得很明白,這首歌是為《顫栗》(Thriller)專輯而作,最終卻沒有入選。傑克遜就像其他藝術家一樣,長時間來一直在對歌曲加工,最後決定放棄這首歌,以保證所有歌曲的緊湊度和連貫性。被剔除的歌曲成為了未來專輯的基石和加工對象。《地球之歌》(Earth Song)最初以《我們呢》(What About Us)的名字為《危險》(Dangerous)專輯而作,後經重新製作和優化,入選了《歷史》(HIStory)專輯。
《別浪費時間》幾次都差點入選。它最早是為《顫栗》專輯而作,然後是《飆》(BAD),然後又是其他項目,但即將發行的版本是1987年製作的。錄音師馬特·佛格(Matt Forger)為《飆25周年》項目做了混音,他說:“我混的是那個時代的《別浪費時間》。沒有加入新的部分,甚至連87年後在邁克爾監督下錄制的部分也沒加入。”

由邁克爾·傑克遜作曲、製作,《別浪費時間》是一支傑克遜花了足夠時間加入一些強勁旋律和節奏創意的樣帶。歌曲的和絃跟節奏很容易讓人想起陽光清爽的中速版《P.Y.T.》【這首歌的原始樣帶2004年出現在《終極收藏》(The Ultimate Collection)套裝中】。一些創意和音符像是《街頭流鶯》(Streetwalker)裏的一些段落。傑克遜大多數的歌詞都是在含混中唱過的,意味著他把這首歌收錄進專輯前還有一段路要走。2分23秒,傑克遜進入歌曲的“橋段”部分,在這個版本裏,那是一段音樂,朗朗上口的陽光副歌接下來就一直唱到結束。《別浪費時間》是另一首一窺傑克遜獨特的創作過程的歌曲。“流行音樂之王”習慣於在錄音機裏用嘴錄下旋律創意,然後讓音樂人幫他一層接一層地完善歌曲。
《別浪費時間》是《飆25周年》專輯上架前的一件樂事。邁克爾·傑克遜遺產管理委員會(Estate of Michael Jackson)和索尼音樂公司聚集力量把“飆”時期真正未經處理的錄音收集起來。當然,還會有一些混音。提到音樂之王,我們可以看一些“貓王”遺產管理委員會(Estate of Elvis Presley)的雙贏項目。2002年,他們發行了JXL製作的《少一些話》(A Little Less Conversation)的混音,這是唯一一支收錄進精選輯的新混音,它讓整張選輯大賣。也許一隻夠酷夠硬的夜店混音足以讓《飆》慶典感染新一代歌迷。
Don't Be Messin' 'Round (c) 2012 Sony Music Entertainment
EXCLUSIVE: Don't Be Messin' 'Round Review
Presented as the first unreleased track off the BAD 25 campaign to be released as a bonus cut on the forthcoming I Just can't Stop Loving You single, Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a song that already has a history among MJ fans and connoisseurs. Way back in July 2009, legendary sound engineer and longtime Jackson collaborator Bruce Swedien revealed to columnist Roger Friedman that the track was just -- simply put -- mindblowing: « Michael plays piano on it, and it's just beautiful. » He added: « Oh my God, there's nothing like it. » He also stated that Jackson plays the piano on it, a feat that has always been underestimated (he also plays drums on Morphine and keyboards & synthesizers on the lost and underrated track Children's Holiday, a song Jackson penned for the Japanese band J-Friends in 1998 and also recorded on his own).
So far, the sole book to document the song was Chris Cadman's & Creaig Halstead's reference book (yet unmatched in the UK and the U.S. ) For The Record. A very short snippet of the song was leaked on YouTube some time ago. But that was it. Until now.
Swedien made it clear that the track was intended for the Thriller album. It finally did not make the final cut. Jackson had a history -- like other artists -- to develop a song and to discard it at the very last minute to keep the whole set of songs as tight and coherent as possible. The left off songs happened to be cornerstone and iconic ones that were shaped for further releases. Earth Song, first intended for the Dangerous album under the working title What About Us was reworked and polished for HIStory.
Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a track that had been in the pipelines many times. It was first considered for the Thriller album, then BAD, and then for further projects. But the version to be released is the actual mix crafted in 1987. Sound engineer Matt Forger mixed the song for the BAD 25 project and made it clear that the song will be presented « as is »: « I mixed the « Don't Be Messin' 'Round » track from tapes of that era. No new parts were allowed, not even parts that were recorded after '87 but still done under Michael's supervision ».
Composed and produced by Michael Jackson, Don't Be Messin' Round is part of the demos Jackson spent enough time on to draft several strong melodic and rhythmic ideas. The chords and the rhythm of the track are quite reminiscent of the sunny and cool mid-tempo version of P.Y.T. (the original demo that surfaced in 2004 on the The Ultimate Collection box set). Some ideas and notes also sound like the ones already heard in Streetwalker, especially in the verses. Jackson sings most of the lyrics in yogurt, meaning that he still had a few steps to go before he could include the song on one of his abums. At 2:23, Jackson dives into the « bridge » section of the song, that actually is -- in this version -- an instrumental section. The catchy and sunny hook is back and heads to the fade-out of the song. Don't Be Messin' Round is another door open to Michael Jackson's unique creative process. The King of Pop was used to tape melodic ideas -- orally -- on a tape recorder and then get musicians to help him craft the track, layer after layer.
Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a treat just before the actual BAD 25 set hits the shelves. The Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music have joined forces to gather genuine and untouched recordings from the iconic times of BAD. Ok, there will be some remixes as well. When it comes to Kings of music, we shall have an eye on some of the the win-win projects by the Estate of Elvis Presley. In 2002, they released this great remix of Just A Little Conversation by JXL. It was the sole new remix included as the final track of a cool greatest hits packaghe. This remix sold the whole set. It may just take one cool, hard, club banging remix to make the re-release of BAD a celebration of the original album and an attempt to reach a new generation of fans. To be continued...
Richard Lecocqhttp://mjdatabank.com/mjjnews/wordpress/2012/06/01/exclusive-dont-be-messin-r...
Don't Be Messin' 'Round (c) 2012 Sony Music Entertainment
EXCLUSIVE: Don't Be Messin' 'Round Review
Presented as the first unreleased track off the BAD 25 campaign to be released as a bonus cut on the forthcoming I Just can't Stop Loving You single, Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a song that already has a history among MJ fans and connoisseurs. Way back in July 2009, legendary sound engineer and longtime Jackson collaborator Bruce Swedien revealed to columnist Roger Friedman that the track was just -- simply put -- mindblowing: « Michael plays piano on it, and it's just beautiful. » He added: « Oh my God, there's nothing like it. » He also stated that Jackson plays the piano on it, a feat that has always been underestimated (he also plays drums on Morphine and keyboards & synthesizers on the lost and underrated track Children's Holiday, a song Jackson penned for the Japanese band J-Friends in 1998 and also recorded on his own).
So far, the sole book to document the song was Chris Cadman's & Creaig Halstead's reference book (yet unmatched in the UK and the U.S. ) For The Record. A very short snippet of the song was leaked on YouTube some time ago. But that was it. Until now.
Swedien made it clear that the track was intended for the Thriller album. It finally did not make the final cut. Jackson had a history -- like other artists -- to develop a song and to discard it at the very last minute to keep the whole set of songs as tight and coherent as possible. The left off songs happened to be cornerstone and iconic ones that were shaped for further releases. Earth Song, first intended for the Dangerous album under the working title What About Us was reworked and polished for HIStory.
Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a track that had been in the pipelines many times. It was first considered for the Thriller album, then BAD, and then for further projects. But the version to be released is the actual mix crafted in 1987. Sound engineer Matt Forger mixed the song for the BAD 25 project and made it clear that the song will be presented « as is »: « I mixed the « Don't Be Messin' 'Round » track from tapes of that era. No new parts were allowed, not even parts that were recorded after '87 but still done under Michael's supervision ».
Composed and produced by Michael Jackson, Don't Be Messin' Round is part of the demos Jackson spent enough time on to draft several strong melodic and rhythmic ideas. The chords and the rhythm of the track are quite reminiscent of the sunny and cool mid-tempo version of P.Y.T. (the original demo that surfaced in 2004 on the The Ultimate Collection box set). Some ideas and notes also sound like the ones already heard in Streetwalker, especially in the verses. Jackson sings most of the lyrics in yogurt, meaning that he still had a few steps to go before he could include the song on one of his abums. At 2:23, Jackson dives into the « bridge » section of the song, that actually is -- in this version -- an instrumental section. The catchy and sunny hook is back and heads to the fade-out of the song. Don't Be Messin' Round is another door open to Michael Jackson's unique creative process. The King of Pop was used to tape melodic ideas -- orally -- on a tape recorder and then get musicians to help him craft the track, layer after layer.
Don't Be Messin' 'Round is a treat just before the actual BAD 25 set hits the shelves. The Estate of Michael Jackson and Sony Music have joined forces to gather genuine and untouched recordings from the iconic times of BAD. Ok, there will be some remixes as well. When it comes to Kings of music, we shall have an eye on some of the the win-win projects by the Estate of Elvis Presley. In 2002, they released this great remix of Just A Little Conversation by JXL. It was the sole new remix included as the final track of a cool greatest hits packaghe. This remix sold the whole set. It may just take one cool, hard, club banging remix to make the re-release of BAD a celebration of the original album and an attempt to reach a new generation of fans. To be continued...
Richard Lecocqhttp://mjdatabank.com/mjjnews/wordpress/2012/06/01/exclusive-dont-be-messin-r...