

Tribute to Michael Jackson from Darren Hayes

The man with a child in his eyes - From Darren Hayes Official Myspace

When I was a little boy, he was my hero.
When I was a young man, he was my sanity.
Taking me away from the pain in my life and filling my heart with joy and wonder.
When I was 13 I saw him live in concert and from the second he arrived on stage I knew what I was going to do for the rest of my life. It was September 1987 and I have to this day never seen anything more extraordinary. To this day I've never seen a reaction from audience like the one he received. I've never seen magic and glitter fly through the air and witness that electricity start up hearts the way he did that night. And now I'm certain the world never again will. Thank you Michael Jackson. On behalf of dreamers the world over. The world is a duller place without you. I'm so privileged to have lived in the same lifetime to witness even a moment of your glory.

Darren Savage Garden 中的主唱,11 歲開始唱歌.當他就讀于師範院校時認識了他現在的妻子 Colby,加入了 Red Edge 樂隊表現出超凡的音樂才華. 他性格開朗喜歡在舞臺上表現自己,他們所有的歌曲的次都是他創作的。他的偶像是 U2 樂隊的主唱 Bono,在他小的時候他特別喜歡 Michel Jackson,並喜歡模仿他在舞臺上表演的樣子。現在 Darren 的聲音還有些相似於 MichelDarren 喜歡看星球大戰,喜歡上網,是一個素食者,沒有喝酒抽煙的壞習慣。

