作者:Victoria Bartlett 來源:BBC Hampshire website

鮑勃現已81歲,居住在維特島的亞爾茅斯。當時他並不知道邁克爾•傑克遜是誰,但之前他與約翰•蘭迪斯曾合作拍攝過電影如“顛倒乾坤”(Trading Places),而且合作愉快,所以就接受了這份工作。.
“放電般的魅力 ”
鮑勃第一次見到邁克爾是在洛杉磯的Betty Reynolds排練廳,當時正在為“顫慄者”的著名舞蹈動作進行戴面具的完整著裝彩排。他回憶道:“邁克爾看上去很靦腆,氣質安靜,但他的舞蹈有著放電般的魅力,只有親眼見到才會相信。他是如此才華橫溢!”
“他非常和藹而有禮貌地向我詢問有關我的家庭以及我拍攝的其他電影的情況。 邁克爾是個真正的影迷,他對迪士尼電影絕對熱愛。”


我是自己所認識的最幸運的人—我的整個職業生涯都是在正確的時間處在正確的位置。 我想我自己確實有點名氣,但是所幸沒人能認出我來。
Thrilled to have worked with MJ
By Victoria Bartlett
After the untimely death of the King of Pop, Bob Paynter from Yarmouth remembers filming Michael Jackson's music video for Thriller, which went on to become one of the greatest ever made.
Back in 1983, cameraman Bob Paynter was asked to film the music video for Thriller.
The offer came from Hollywood director John Landis, who had taken on the project after Michael Jackson had seen John's film American Werewolf in London and asked him to re-create it for one of his records.

Bob's notes on Jackson 25 years later
Bob, now 81 and living at Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, didn't know who Michael Jackson was at the time, but he'd previously worked with John Landis on films such as Trading Places, and enjoyed their partnership, so took the job.
"Electrifying"Bob first met Michael in the Betty Reynolds rehearsal rooms in Los Angeles rehearsing the famous dance routine for Thriller - in full make-up and prosthetics. He remembers: "Michael seemed shy with a quiet disposition, but his dancing was electrifying and had to be seen to be believed. He was just so talented."
"He was very pleasant and polite - asking me about my family and the other films I had made. Michael was a real movie buff and absolutely loved Disney films."
After the rehearsals those working on the video went back to Michael's house where Bob got a full tour and was very impressed with the fairytale decor and atmosphere.
"Working with Michael had a profound effect on me. I've filmed many icons but none made me want to write down my memories of meeting them like he did."
Bob Paynter - Director of Photography for music video Thriller
He was not impressed however with Jacko's bedroom, which he says was: "untidy, full of loads of souvenirs he'd collected through his career and had a huge pet boa constrictor in the corner!"
Bob laughs at the memories of John Landis being made to hold the snake and of them all watching a Chevy Chase film together on Michael's projector.
The 14-minute video Bob ended up filming for Thriller is regarded by MTV as the greatest music video of all-time. In fact the popularity of the video sent the album back to number one in the album chart.
The mini-film won two Grammy Awards and The Guinness World Records also lists Thriller as the "most successful music video."
Bob says: "I'm proud to have worked on Thriller - but I'm never totally happy with my work. I can always find things that I would have done differently."
Not only did he film the memorable video - he was also an extra in it. In the cinema scenes Bob sat next to Michael and actress, Ola Ray - who played his girlfriend on screen. The director, John Landis, gave Bob the job of making Ola act more scared!
Bob is the white-haired man left of MJ
Life in filmBob retired to the Isle of Wight 16 years ago. Having visited his brother-in-law on the island, Bob and his late wife, Marjorie, fell in love with the Isle of Wight and sailing on the Solent - so they made the move and bought a boat.
He remembers his days as a cameraman fondly: "Everything was fun - even the rotten times were fun looking back on them now." Bob describes how he loved the challenges in his job: "So many problems are thrown at you when you're filming. But there was always an answer - it was just a matter of finding it."
He got into the film industry by accident. As a 15-year-old boy scout he helped out on a propaganda film made by the Ministry of Information during World War II. His scout leader thought he'd could do well and helped him get a job at the Crown Film Unit.
Bob went on to run errands for the Colonial Film Unit and it was only when a cameraman became ill and he offered to take his place that Bob got a taste for filming.
Bob reading his notes about meeting MJ
The rest is history as they say. Bob is very modest: "People got to know me more and more and I just took every opportunity I was offered."
"I'm the luckiest person I know - my whole career has been a case of me being in the right place at the right time. I'm pretty famous I suppose, but thankfully no-one recognises me."
Through his work, Bob was familiar with meeting stars, and had filmed icons such as Burt Lancaster, Marlon Brando, and Sophia Loren. But it was his experience with Michael Jackson that made a real impact.
He says: "It was the only time I worked with someone that made me want to write down my thoughts about him and the effect he had on me. As soon as I got back to my hotel room I wrote eight pages on my opinion of MJ! And I still have those notes to this day."