Liu became the first Chinese male athlete to get a world indoor medal in the 18-year history of the championship and was the only Asian medallist this time.
“Frankly speaking, I didn’t think I was in the shape to win a medal,” Liu said. “On my arrival here, my aim was just to fight my way into the final. After I did that, I thought I might just get into the top six.
大意就是: 亞洲運動員一般停留在英格蘭伯明罕室內田徑錦標賽的時間很少的(PS:因田徑一直不是亞洲人的強項,作者意思是很快就出局),但是中國跨欄運動員劉翔意外地在男子伯明罕室內賽男子60米欄決賽獲得了銅牌。
